The Animation Workshop, Viborg (DK)
Prästbarn 2021
The story follows Oskar and his two brothers, Jonathan and Lukas, during the 90s, in the outskirts of the Swedish city of Gothenburg. Their father is the local priest of a quiet church and he brings his kids there every Sunday. On this particular Sunday, Oskar doesn’t like what his father says about faith. He and his brothers sneak out to play games in the forest instead. Oskar wants to play a game that has nothing to do with religion, where he has powers of his own. They launch into an anime schoolgirl fantasy frenzy of killing imaginary monsters with laser beams when some older kids find them near the edge of a tall cliff. They bully the brothers, forcing them to confront how weak their faith actually is. Oskar is conflicted: should he stick up for his faith or admit it’s not real?
Shergar 2021
A boy lives a fast-paced, free-roaming life with his friends on the streets of Dublin, which doesn’t always lead to good choices.
Cut It Out 2021
Cut It Out is a psychological drama following Tara as she is being guided to defuse a bomb in a school, which leads her into a surrealistic situation she has to escape from.
Tales from the Multiverse 2020    star_border 5.5
God is a single parent and amateur programmer. He’s working on project ‘Earth’ but never seems to get a break from the kids. One day though, he finally gets a breakthrough.
Sounds Good 2019
A boom operator attempts to record the noise mushrooms make in this semi-experimental animation inspired by the world of sounds.
Bænkevarmer 2019
Short animation by Sander Joon
Eternity 2018
Short animated film by Anastasia Melikhova
Cream 2017    star_border 8
The film takes place in a doctor's waiting room where soothing music and the opportunity to enjoy an ice cream brings about an alleviating atmosphere. What could possibly go wrong in a healthcare institution where help is nearby? The cold and ugly sides of human nature reveal themselves as the narrative touches on the cycle of birth and death and the absurdity of life. Let's hope the doctor can help!
Mr. Sand 2016    star_border 7
Tiger 2016
Sidsel and her friend Olav are leading a seemingly quiet and peaceful life in a little town by the beach, but under the surface things are not so quiet and peaceful after all. When Sidsel picks up a mysterious cube on the beach one day she unwittingly sets in motion an unfortunate chain of events involving a charming duck, a tiger and a rogue carnivorous houseplant that turn out to have catastrophic consequences for her and Olav’s friendship.
The Sheperd 2016
Formerly a streetwise orphan, Asmita has her world turned upside down when she meets Isaac, a reclusive shepherd who lives with a flock of very peculiar sheep deep in the Himalayan mountains. As they spend time together, Asmita begins to see hints of a deeper secret, and before long she finds herself swept up in a battle between worlds that will put her face-to-face with an extraterrestrial invader.
The Great Harlot and the Beast 2015
How will the naive freshly carved prince and his co-actors withstand their audience's insatiable appetite for entertainment?
Black Tape 2014    star_border 3.7
Black Tape explores the theme of domination. In an entangled tango, the victim and victimizer dance, occupying the frame and space between brushstrokes.
Borislav 2014    star_border 4
A fisherman's daughter has to accept her father's disease when she arrives at her childhood home and finds her father vulnerable and fragile.
The Reward 2013    star_border 7
Inspired by dreams of glory and fame, two young boys set out on the treasure hunt of their lives.
The Saga of Biorn 2011    star_border 7
An old Viking is determined to reach Valhalla, the warrior's afterlife full of excessive drinking and debauchery. To gain entry he has to die honorably in battle, but he discovers that the right death isn't so easy.
1923 2010    star_border 7
One of two animation loops directed by Max Hattler, inspired by the work of French outsider artist Augustin Lesage (1876-1954). Based on Lesage's painting A Symbolic Composition of the Spiritual World from 1923.
1925 2010
1925 aka Hell is a animation loops directed by Max Hattler, inspired by the work of French outsider artist Augustin Lesage. 1925 is based on Lesage's painting 'A symbolic Composition of the Spiritual World' from 1925.