LASALLE College of the Arts, Singapore
Full Shift 2024
Tania, a food facility worker and mother of nine year-old Rayyan, forms a connection with her Malaysian colleague, Johan. Her unexpected pregnancy forces her to explore the possibility of abortion before her husband’s release from prison.
the man obsessed with the perfect egg 2024
Inspired by Jollin Tan’s poem ‘Shapeshifter’, eggs are used as metaphors in the film for self-representation, illustrating how humans break and conform to fit into society. However, whether fried, boiled, or scrambled, an egg is just an egg.
Albert 2023
Capturing life through the lens of a dream, Albert explores the evocation of the subconscious mind through the vivid visualism and dynamism of images.
M.U.R.B.Y 2023
A playfully poignant animation that revolves around Rob, a lonesome dog, who steals a bag of rare feathers 一 the M.U.R.B.Y feathers 一 to achieve his dreams of becoming the most magnificent wolf. However, he loses all of his M.U.R.B.Y feathers to a strong gust of wind. He has to navigate a swampy journey of moral dilemmas with an unlikely companion.
Today's Sunlight Falls Weakly on You 2023
In the midst of her grief, memories and dreams descend upon an elderly woman. It comforts her, and at the same time haunts her.
Almost Home 2022
Ain, a 28-year-old full-time patient care assistant, struggles to find a work-life balance. Work can be overwhelming for her on some days but there are days when working as a caregiver brings joy to her life. After a long day of visitations, she always looks forward to her last patient’s house.
Memoirs of 15 2022
A poignant reflection of the power of memory and the rush of emotions accompanying the recollection of past experiences. A classroom once filled with vibrant energy is now hollow and lifeless as Jian revisits the classroom where he met his childhood sweetheart.
Dawn 2022
On an unremarkable weekday afternoon, the film follows eight-year-old Dawn as she spends her birthday planning the perfect surprise, only to be surprised herself.
Loose Threads 2022
A grandma tries to recall the familiar stranger sitting next to her. With much difficulty and frustration, she weaves her hazy memories of the stranger together, only for her to forget them once again.
I'm Adopted 2020
The story follows Joan, a teenager who discovers that she’s adopted and leaves home. Joan’s escapade begins when she meets a domestic helper, a Bangladeshi worker, and an old man with dementia who mistakes them for his family. Determined to bring the old man home, Joan goes on an adventure with the trio.
Taximan 2019
One day in the life of an uncle-a taxi driver who carries different passengers. No meeting passes without a trace for him. By the end of the day, the taxi driver's uncle recovers, meeting his beloved son.
Ebb & Flow 2018
Clara embraces solitude, however, struggles to find a balance between solitude and loneliness..
White Carnations 2017
A single mother struggles with the futility of her relationship with her special needs son as her patience grows thin.
Waiting 2010
A father struggles to hold onto the remnants of his relationship with his son in the uncertainty of the present.
Outing 2009
A grandfather decides to take his grandson on an outing.