location_on1 rue de la Charente, 16000 ANGOULÊMEpublicFR
A Clock Trial 2024
The Boat is my Friend 2023
In 1831, accidents mount on a British merchant ship weighed down by too much cargo. As James Franklin dies and leaves behind his grieving lover, old grievances arise between sailors Callen and Gigi.
The Charge of Texel 2023    star_border 7
1795, Holland. The French vanguard is pushing towards the north, through a strong blizzard, beyond the enemy lines. At the head of the cavalry, Major Lahure learns that a British fleet, seeking to escape to England, is trapped by the ice off the coast, and prepares one of the boldest ventures of its time.
Human Resources 2022    star_border 6
A man discovers there’s another meaning for “recycling” in this ingenious fusion of mock doc, workplace satire, and stop-motion animation by Trinidad Plass Caussade, Titouan Tillier, and Isaac Wenzek.
À l'air libre 2021
Olga and Maurice's parents are vegetables. The two children have tried everything to get them out of their vegetative state. But maybe the solution is... a musical?
Intertwined 2021
In an overcrowded megalopolis, Joel a young man, is over protected by his girlfriend Lili. One evening, while they are at the restaurant, Joel discovers a nodule growing on his neck. Panicked, Lili absolutely wants to handle the situation.
Requin 2020
A man brings his dog to an underground fight.
1000 Dreams: Zenti the Invincible 2020    star_border 2
Zenti is looking for his wife. Zenti is haunted by memories that aren't his. Zenti has no control over the present but he will never give in. He will write poems until he dies to find her, and himself.
Inflated 2020    star_border 6
Eugène, a thirty-year-old who still lives with his mother, takes part in a gas balloon contest to get away from her.
Liquid Eyes 2020
A dead goldfish and the repercussions
Facing Each Other 2020
In two buildings facing each other, slices of contemporary life flow, overlapping. Everyone crosses paths without ever meeting.
Aerolite 2020
A person becomes obsessed with a shooting star, eschewing all else in their life.
Homerde 2020
Sea creatures harvest crap under the sea, and the least of them discovers the best crap of all.
Françoise 2020
The Song of the Angel-Fish 2019
Anouk and Laurence have known each other since middle school. In two weeks, Laurence will leave: this weekend by the sea might be the last one before a while.
The Breakaway 2019
This morning, it is very hot in Lise's large bedroom despite its fan which blows only warm and moist air. The muffled sound of an argument between his parents echoed throughout the house. Motionless in the middle of her sheets, she waits, joyless at the idea of ​​the scorching day that awaits her.
La Rapiette 2018
Abstracto 2017    star_border 7
Une Marianne à gros nez 2016    star_border 7
Match 2015    star_border 0.5
A family listens to a tennis match on the radio.
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