Monika, a middle-aged wealthy woman, goes through a marriage crisis with her younger husband Linas. A car accident leads Monika to meeting three young girls, Kristina, Egle and Gitana, who happen to be ex-prostitutes extradited from Germany. The lady and the girls settle down in a country mansion, to form a relationship that will change their lives forever
Black comedy "What's Your Emergency?" is a mockumentary style story about the police headquarters. Redundancy intimidate officials are working diligently as ever, but the call-outs this month will not give them a break. Moreover, one of the officials gets caught in the workplace-using stolen and evidence room kept drugs. Explosions, shootings, helicopters, love, erotic, music stars, movie stars and much more.
Paramedic Vincentas is a passionate gambler, who is forced to make radical decisions to return the debts. An idea strikes Vincentas to create an illegal game related to his profession. Love, life and death will be at stake.
Four Lithuania's founding fathers suddenly come back to life 100 years later after signing Lithuania's declaration of independence. Now it's stored somewhere in Berlin's archives, and they are on a mission to get it back.
Watchmaker stumbles into a mysterious cinema and is enraptured by the sight of movie star Lisa sleeping on the screen. His life changes. A girl he meets in the cinema begins leading him through the strange world of cinematic dreams.
Pagrindiniai serialo herojai – medikai ir kiti ligoninės darbuotojai bei jų artimieji, kasdien kovojantys ne tik su mirtimi, bet ir su savo pačių problemomis, praeitimi, dėl savo meilės