This disturbing film presents people abducted by UFOs describing their traumatic experiences during tests and experiments performed by extraterrestrials. The film also features internationally respected UFO investigators. The sensation caused by the film produced and directed by Juhan af Grann has not yet abated in Finland and Scandinavia.
Climate change, the Antichrist, the secret world order, World War III. Here are some of the themes of the massive The New Apocalypse - Mankind's Last Exodus trilogy. Grann paints a chilling vision of the future: the planet and humanity are facing major changes: ecological, material and spiritual catastrophe could be just around the corner. Can we make the right choices and take our destiny into our own hands, or has someone else predetermined everything?
Producer-director Juhan af Grann promises to shed light on the expansion of humanity's consciousness in his latest masterpiece, INTRUDERS. Grann's new series is described as a sensational series that will shock the world.