Ze’ev Vladimir Jabotinsky? Most people don’t know much about him. Most people know he was the father of Herut movement, a revisionist. And who really knows what revisionism really means. A few people know that he translated Allan Poe’s Annabel Lee; even fewer read his historical novel, Samson. The Raven tries to fathom Jabotinsky’s deceptive character. The film follows his conflicted, controversial character, the meaningful choices, desires and abilities that eventually led him to end his life prematurely but left a huge mark on Zionism and Israel. - See more at: http://nfct.org.il/en/movies/the-raven-zeev-jabotinsky/#sthash.WoPKutbi.dpuf
David is a sensitive, creative boy who lives in Dimona with his father and MS sick mother. He discovers an online writing forum and publishes stories under a fictitious name.
A brief televised guide to the history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. A succinct, lucid summary and concise presentation of its basic concepts and decisive events, while laying them out on a timeline and a spatial map, related from a variety of viewpoints and positions concerning the conflicted parties.
A historical and topical journey to the secular ideology, from the moment it entered our world, through the historical processes it went through, to the turbulent contemporary struggles in which it is involved