Vilnius, four hot summer days. Goda is learning anew to have a relationship while dealing with past trauma. Juste always had a safe life, planned for her by others, as she finally realizes she wants to decide for herself. After twenty years of marriage Vytas leaves his family, unable to admit his true reasons. The voice of Anatolijus joins all of these stories and experiences into one breathless state, which every character is trying to escape on their way to finding freedom in a constantly changing society that keeps on developing new standards.
Seneca’s Day is set in the year 1989, the final period of the Soviet era in Lithuania. Eighteen-year old buddies establish the Seneca’s Fellowship with the motto “Live each day as if it was your last”. A love triangle breaks up the fellowship right at the time the nation experiences an exceptional sense of community via Baltic Chain.Twenty-five years later, the main character who at first glance appears to be accompanied by good luck, is disillusioned with himself. He has betrayed the ideals of his youth and become a cold observer of life.
A story that revolves around five aristocratic families, set during the reign of Alexander I, and centered on the love triangle between Natasha Rostova, Pierre Bezukhov, and Andrei Bolkonsky.
TV series tells about 1918 February 16 Signing of the Lithuanian Independence Act and other historical events that followed this important event in Lithuania until the occupation of Lithuania in 1940.