In the early 1900s, the legendary Joe Hill emigrates with his brother to the United States. But after a short time, he loses touch with his brother. Joe gets a few jobs but is struck by all the injustice and tragedy going on. He becomes active in the forbidden union IWW, a union for workers without trades. It is forbidden to demonstrate and to speak in public but Joe gets around that by singing his manifests with the Salvation Army. He manages to get more and more people to go on strike with him but he also makes powerful enemies doing that. Finally he gets connected with a murder and during the trial he fires his lawyer and takes upon himself to become his own defender.
The Castle of Olive Trees is the ancestral home of the "Laborie de Sauveterre". Located at "Châteauneuf-du-Pape", it holds many mysteries and legends. Like every summer "Estelle Laborie" goes there to take some time off. But this summer she take an important decision: run from Paris and stay here at the castle definitively.
Little does she knows that her arrival will awake a lot of drama and secrets, beginning with this enigmatic "Pierre Séverin" who wants to demolish the castle to the ground, to make an amusement parc "Cigaleland". She will learn unfortunately that this "Pierre Séverin" is also knowned as "Marceau" the little boy of the steward of the castle when her father was the master of the domain. That steward also died in terrible circumstance.
However Estelle decides to face this vengeance and save the castle with the aid of archaeologist "Raphaël Fauconnier"...