Lord Paddington, an honorable member of society, is blown up with a small tennis ball. "Die vier Gerechten" are not of this opinion, however: "Sentenced to death and executed for countless crimes" they leave at the scene. More honorable personalities must die before the perfume Higgins betrays the murderer and exposes the honorable personalities as heads of the organized trafficking of girls.
Der Fahnder is a German television krimi series which was aired between 1984 and 2005.
In the Netherlands the series was broadcast by the VARA from 3 October 1985.
Ein Fall für zwei is a German television series, which premiered on September 11, 1981 on ZDF. The series, located in Frankfurt am Main, features two main characters who solve crimes: a defense attorney and a private investigator. Josef Matula, a former German police officer, has gone into private business. His method of investigation is very effective and direct, and he sometimes even resorts to dirty tricks. Claus Theo Gärtner has portrayed the role since the start of the series.