Havana, 1961. After the success of the Cuban revolution, the city was no longer just a capital of nightlife. The city was changing for the benefit of the local population: it opened beaches, built blocks of flats, guarded the coast.
A bank robbery conducted by Polish Underground members goes awry and the brother-in-law of the group's leader, Paweł gets arrested. Now Paweł must choose between helping his loved ones and staying loyal to the underground.
Robotnicy - Nic o nas bez nas tells a story about Gdańsk Shipyard and its workers after so called Grudzień 1970 (1970 protests). After those events Edward Gierek replaced Władysław Gomułka as party first secretary and promised redical change in style and methods of ruling. Kieślowski shows the skepticism of workers and their attitude to party members. He also pictures conflicts inside the party (PZPR) and usual work in shipyard. The political criticism of this movie made it a target of censorship – it was suspended and cut against the will of director.
This documentary shows the birth of a 10,000-ton ship called "Phenian" (the deadweight tonnage of this cargo ship is 10,000 tons). The film is devoid of commentary, which emphasizes the importance of the forms and the almost mystical nature of the "birth" of the ship.