Sanna has broken up with her boyfriend Jon. Because her father is in the hospital, she moved into her father's apartment. In his dresser drawer, she finds clipped obituaries of his colleagues, who all seem to have died prematurely. Sanna crosses one border after another, approaching a total collapse of her obsession with truth. In the end, she takes the law into her own hands.
Det mangeårige venskabsbånd mellem Finn og Jacob er ved at være tyndslidt, og da Finn formøbler begge deres formuer på endnu en økonomisk fidus, får Jacob nok. Han forlader sin ven, hvilket sender Finn ud i en dyb personlig krise. Ved et tilfælde genforenes de i Sverige, hvor Jacob har skabt sig en ny tilværelse. Makkerparret forsøger at klinke skårene, men de viser sig begge at have skjulte dagsordener.
The 5th woman unfolds autumn 1994. An elderly man found in a gillrad pitfall impaled to death on the sharp sharpened bamboo poles, ecstatic praise of crows. Shortly afterwards disappears a florist without a trace and he also found executed in the forest. Kurt Wallander and his colleagues will soon understand that the attacks is all about revenge.