The night. One night. Perhaps any night anywhere. It rains. A woman. No. A man. A man and a woman. No. A man, a woman and someone else. The table. A table. A table immersed in alcohol, singing, playing music. The music. No, jazz. JAZZ! The seduction, the crossing. Acting, pretend. Laught. The kisses. No. Decline. One night, a woman a man and someone else, on a table. No. The Void.
Thus short film tells the story of three friends spending a weekend in the woods where true feelings start to arise. Being away from home and surrounded by nature and themselves, makes their true desires possible. In the woods, alcohol, sexual encounters, fights, jealousy and love are part of the same universe.
It’s the story of two twins. One of them is ready to spend an afternoon on the riverside with his mates until he is confronted with an extreme situation that will force him to decide if he will fight for his friends or for his brother.