During the Cannes Cinema Festival, two young would-be actresses walk about on the Croisette. They are spotted by a photographer who is looking for new faces and who introduces them to a producer and his secretary. From then on, their life has nothing to do with cinema and much to do with sex and orgies.
The film opens with Marilyn Jess and Julai Perrin being made to remove their panties by the headmaster.Then there is an abrupt cut to Dominique Saint Claire (Madame Birch, the owner of the Pensionnat Birch) leading a horse accross a field accompanied by Danièle Troeger. Cut to Jean-Pierre Armand, with curly hair and moustache, driving a bus up to Dominique's house. He goes in and she plays the dominatrix in a b/g scene dressed in her hacking jacket.