Debunking the image often conjured of the stereotypical Parisian woman, or la parisienne — white, clad in high-end fashion, upper-class, thin — the film interviews countless Parisian women who often feel invisibilized by this narrow representation.
The importance of the internet and social media platforms is undeniable, concerning their contribution to the freedom of speech; however, the boundaries are often overstepped under the dark cloak of anonymity.
This film captures an emerging generation of black activists who, in the wake of the deaths of Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown, were able to mobilize international opinion in favor of the protests in America. Although France is confronted with similar problems, the victims of French police brutality have not benefited from the same media attention. Not Yo Mama’s Movement explores the similarities and differences between the racial situations in the United States and France and how today’s activists navigate building movements for change.
French actors Lucien Jean-Baptiste, Aïssa Maïga, Sonia Rolland, Deborah Lukumuena, Marie-France Malonga, Gary Dourdan and others speak up on the reality of black actors in the French movie industry.