1992. A group of multicultural refugees sit squeezed together in the back of a minibus. Plagued by cold, exhaustion and thoughts of a life left behind, a large cello case becomes the centre of what at first seems like a banal conflict.
Two brothers tragically separated after a destructive childhood accident - one becoming a relentless police officer, the other a rising crime leader - are on collision to reunite, as family loyalties are challenged and fates align during a major arms deal in Los Angeles.
Eccentric genius Walter O’Brien and his team of brilliant misfits comprise the last line of defense against complex, high-tech threats of the modern age. As Homeland Security’s new think tank, O’Brien’s “Scorpion” team includes Toby Curtis, an expert behaviorist who can read anyone; Happy Quinn, a mechanical prodigy; and Sylvester Dodd, a statistics guru.