The Bauls of West Bengal are nomad musicians who practice a traditional form of concert challenged by the increasing modernization of India.
The term "Fous" here refers to those inspired and wandering musicians of Bengal known as Baül. The word Baül is derived from the Sanskrit word "vatul," which means "mad" in the sense that it commonly connotes a more or less frenetic behavior in French. The Baül are peculiar individuals, particularly in their mannerisms, customs, and practices. Although they may belong to either the Hindu or Muslim religion, the Baül refuse to be guided by any social or religious conventions. Freedom of spirit is their only guide. They thus move against the tide of habits, preconceived notions, and general theories. "Le chant des fous" (The Song of the Mad) is a film made by Georges Luneau.
"Notun Projonmer Baul which means The New Generation Baul is my journey into the Baul world, it was made in the year 2003. I was deeply 'effected', by the Baul Philosophy and their Music. Bauls are Mendicants or Bards in search of the, "Moner Manush", or the Man after my heart. They have deep suspicion of all man made boundaries and believe in the religion of mankind. Their world has no Maps or Countries, they believe in the religion of mankind, for them the worshipper and the shrine, reside inside the body and one has to dive deep below to soar beyond. Their songs are very esoteric and deeply spiritual." - Bonnie Chakraborty (Director)
The Bengali version of the reality show where a number of contestants (known as "housemates") live in a purpose-built house and are isolated from the rest of the world. Each week, housemates nominate two of their fellow housemates for eviction, and the housemates who receive the most nominations faces a public vote out.