In 1925, Mao prepares his hometown for the coming revolution and promotes socialist programs in the countryside despite the opposition of the local landlords.
The Public Security Bureau intercept a telegram notifying foreign agents to retrieve the "110 secret". Shi Yan, head of the Reconnaissance Section, starts a campaign of counter-espionage, but one of his agents is soon killed on board a train.
The deputy director of culture of a Chinese city wants an opera performed for personal reasons but the director of the opera and the performers want to perform another selection.
An Incense Jade Case, a first-degree Chinese cultural relic, is incidentally discovered by the policemen of an anti-smuggling department of the Customs when they inspect goods mailing overseas. Then the Customs and Police Department carry out a life-and-death fight with the smuggling clique.
Xia Zhenglan is a young beautiful ballerina, and bride. On her wedding night, her husband dies oddly which causes her to become mentally deranged. The police become suspicious of her actions which forces her to be drawn into the fight for her life.