Innokenty Pechenkin is an absolute loser in life! All sorts of problems are falling on him, one by one, which, it would seem, are no longer solvable. But, at one point, the main character of the film gets a chance to solve all the difficulties at once, namely, to get a family, and that would be all right, but he only has a month of time!
A young classically trained Russian ballet dancer lands an audition for a film with a famous director. Pressures of Russian values and tradition force a decision between career, love, and family loyalty.
Having learned from his younger brother Pashka about the mysterious death of his father, Yegor returns to his native village after many years of absence. It turns out that the entire inheritance - a farm with a small number of cows and a piece of land - must go to pay off the father's debts to a local entrepreneur. Pashka is categorically against the slaughter of cows and the sale of land. A quarrel breaks out between the brothers. Yegor asks local guys to help take the cows to the neighboring village to the slaughterhouse, but Pashka is ahead of them, who, under cover of night, takes the whole herd in an unknown direction.