The story is about two aliens who came to Earth in search of their friend William, locked in the lantern of a security guard of a local recreation center.
Lyalya didn’t have a boyfriend for a long time, but finally he appeared, or rather, she created him in the metaverse. It's time to introduce the groom to his parents, but they live in the real world, which is not at all familiar to the avatar. The meeting turns into an absurdity that turns Lyalya's world upside down, and the avatar-lover thinks about a real family.
Vova is a young man. He is unable to find a common language with his family, because he believes that the whole world around him is just a fuss and a flurry. Being late for his younger brother's birthday, he finally quarrels with his family. Coming to the girl's aid in a street fight, Vova receives a blow that sends him into the world that Vladimir has been building so hard around himself. Are beliefs worth living?
After graduating from a prestigious university in the city, Ivan goes to his native village to visit his beloved grandfather. Over the years of studying at the university, Ivan could not really feel like a full-fledged resident of the metropolis, but he also somehow lost his connection with the village. How will the village greet him now?
Moscow, 2053. In a special clinic, doctors masterfully learned how to sew on the missing body parts. Recently, the first head transplant operation was performed, which turned out to be successful. The experimental patient feels well and is undergoing rehabilitation under the close supervision of a doctor. Meeting a charming patient with new hands in the corridor of the clinic, he feels for the first time something completely new for himself: love.
The first century of one of the most famous Moscow scenes has come to its logical conclusion. Now the theater is looking into the future, into a new century, but what does it see there? How does the theater feel, having crossed the century-old threshold?What is he thinking about? What is he talking about? Where is he going? What is the temperature of his "body"?