I fear thee, ancient mariner! I fear thy shiny hand! And thou art long, and lank, and brown. As is the ribbed sea sand... -Samuel Taylor Coleridge, 1798 The long-awaited fourth in the epic award-winning Fallen Angel Series. This is the chronicle of a mythic group of men who have, since time immemorial, swaggered through the wet dreams of gay men - the grizzled, worldly, lust-driven sailors who have sailed the seven seas in search of sexual adventure, roamed the waterfronts of the world to realize it, and often discovered their own deepest, darkest secrets in the all-male initiations that erupt aboard ships. If you're looking for tough talking, tattooed titans with haunting faces, chiseled bodies, relentless sexual energy, and humongous endowments, look no further, Sea Men is here.
ilmed on location in New York City's infamous dungeon sex club El Mirage, Whiplash is one hell of a dirty sex flick from director/star Ray Dragon. With a cast of truly filthy pig men and armed with an arsenal of kinky antics, Mr. Dragon breathes fire (the sex scorches in spots) and smoke (literally) into this jaunt. The video is a journey into the dark nether regions of the mid and loins, with flogging and whipping, cigar smoke sex (courtesy of Asoka), a heart-jumping gang bang, anal probing and licking, a gut-wrenching handballing and dildo-ing (very verbal/graphic stuff here), a very intense watersports sequence, three-ways, group-ways, and more.