Coincidentally, Sugeng and Slamet both have twin children and gave both sets of twins the same names, Dorce and Donny. Both sets of twins then go separately to Jakarta, while Rudi, son of Koco, is sent to pick up Sugeng’s twins, but instead, picks up Slamet’s children, who have arrived first. Then Sugeng’s twins also go to Koco’s house where they meet the other pair of twins to create confusion and silliness. Finally Sugeng and a talent seeker arrive and the misunderstanding is resolved.
The couple, Rio (Ray Sahetapy) and Anita (Ida Iasha), lives next door to their close friends Goro (Zainal Abidin) and Tati (Dien Novita). Both couples have a male relative living with them; Doyok (Doyok Sudarmadji) stays with Rio and Anita, and Kadir (Kadir) stays with Goro and Tati. The daily behavior and interactions of these neighbors shift when Vina (Nurul Arifin), a very beautiful and attractive friend of Anita’s, comes to visit. Rio and Goro are both very attracted to Vina and make every effort possible to get close to her, particularly when everybody goes off on holiday together.