Max Dadjanis returns with a new identity, but with the same goal - to seize all the illegal businesses in Vilnius. The national security forces do not sit idly by: Varna, who is sitting in prison, is offered to join the game of gang wars.
„Wild nineties“ touched almost all Lithuanian cities. Biržai was no exception. This rather powerful criminal group controlled the marketplaces, racketeed local businessmen and farmers, and tried to implement all the illegal enrichment schemes popular at the time
Pagrindiniai serialo herojai – medikai ir kiti ligoninės darbuotojai bei jų artimieji, kasdien kovojantys ne tik su mirtimi, bet ir su savo pačių problemomis, praeitimi, dėl savo meilės
The beginning of the 90's. Lithuania just became independent, so there is a lot of chaos in political, ecnomical and criminal structures. The every day life more or less is being controlled by the criminal gangs, who feel indestructible by the fear of citizens and the helplessness of government.
Based on real-life events that took place in Lithuania at the end of the 20th century. At a time when criminal groups prevailed and corruption was rampant in the authorities, the biggest source of income for Lithuanian gangs was smuggling cigarettes. At the heart of the series is a gang called the "Princes" who clash with other groups and authorities in Lithuania's brutal underworld at the time..