Mas Gagah was changed. After went to Ternate for his assignment suddenly he changed drastically. His sister, Gita Ayu can't accept this. She thought Mas Gagah is a new person who totally different from the previous one.
Loka, a man from North Minahasa, is Christian. He is involved in a love story with Nanta, a Muslim immigrant woman. Because they met at the mosque, Nanta thought Loka was a Muslim. In fact, in North Minahasa, it is not taboo for a Christian to be in a mosque to take part in social activities. And, both Loka and Nanta are devout religious believers.
Set in and around a mosque in sprawling Jakarta, Indonesia, during the Muslim holiday of Lebaran, the interwoven stories of family, faith and romantic love in this humorous yet poignant film are revealed through the eyes of kids.
A story of two childhood friends, Farel and Rachel. Farel once confessed his feelings to Rachel when they were still young, but Rachel turned him down because she was traumatized by her family’s problems and she thought that Farel was only joking. Ever since that moment Farel never dared to tell Rachel how he feels, even though Rachel actually has a feeling toward Farel.