It's a feature-length narrative film about a middle-class couple, that wants to adopt the perfect little girl, but they end up being offered a rebellious 12-year-old boy.
During the interwar period, a Lithuanian geography professor tries to convince the government to establish a backup state overseas, in order to save their country from ruin. However, the idea is mostly mocked and opposed. Still, there is hope in the secret support from the elderly prime minister, who has become disillusioned with politics.
Jonas (Dainius Kazlauskas) pretends to be blind and enters a TV dance contest, where he meets his attractive dance partner Saule (Paulina Taujanskaite). Soon they become the show's most popular contestants. While the whole nation thinks that Jonas is blind, Vytas (Darius Bagdziunas), an old acquaintance of Jonas, is released from prison. As reminders of the past keep creeping up on them, Vytas is suppressing contradictory feelings - to seek revenge or forgiveness in such a manipulative world - for sins that were and for sins to be made.
Pagrindiniai serialo herojai – medikai ir kiti ligoninės darbuotojai bei jų artimieji, kasdien kovojantys ne tik su mirtimi, bet ir su savo pačių problemomis, praeitimi, dėl savo meilės