The forces of evil and black magic are at it again as an ancient warrior is revived in a black magic ceremony. It is up to some young students to train themselves in the martial arts and magic to help defeat this evil man. The good Shaolin monks must also find a way to protect themselves. A couple of ninjas dressed in red appear to attack a priest. A train of hopping zombies on their journey to their ancestral burial ground briefly appear as do some vampires and demons.
A marriage between nobles in Ancient China sets the stage for murder, monsters, and mutilation as the invited guests search for a secret hidden treasure. A search that leads them through dark evil forests, opulent palaces, and each other! When two sick and twisted killers enter the fray it is up to our hat wearing hero to straighten things out and put the warlords, henchmen, and evil ninja six feet under! But is he working for the law, or himself?