A foreign assignment leads private detective Hartwig Seeler to the wildly romantic coast of the Peloponnese peninsula - and into the maelstrom of a mysterious case that confronts him with his own vulnerability.
Greece, Russia, USA, Brazil, China, Senegal. Meeting young people in these countries we heard a ‘Rumble’ foretelling an impending explosion. The fall of communism, crisis of capitalism, ecological catastrophes, migration waves, globalization. The new generation is at the forefront, exposed, helpless without being able to envision a more optimistic future. This ‘Rumble’ comes from this young generation. Their words, images, sounds and music compose the notes of an audio-visual symphony entitled: ‘The Rumble of the World’.
A young girl, recently married, is traveling from Aidini to Greece with her mother and her two daughters. On board the ship she decides not to let life pass her by, but to live her own way. And she goes ahead! She writes endlessly wherever she can, on napkins and cigarette boxes, to bills. She smokes, she passionately falls in love, casually gambles in luxurious salons, but also in illegal basements. A teacher who becomes an actress and plays in streets and in theaters, a poet who becomes the greatest Greek folk songwriter. She collaborates with all the famous music personalities of the country, from Vassilis Tsitsanis and Apostolos Kaldaras to Manolis Ηiotis, Antonis Repanis and Manos Hadjidakis, bravely asserting herself to a cruel and typically male-dominated world.
Captain Michalis, a fierce and indomitable warrior, has sworn to be black-clad, unshaven and unsmiling until Crete is liberated. But when he meets Emine, wife of his blood brother, Nuri Bey, he is possessed by 'a demon' that despite his efforts, he cannot get out of mind.
The Recorder, the keeper of Epameinondas's mind, documents his moments on on little notes. Encouraged by his best friend Yiannis, Epameinondas sets out on a hike to escape the weight of a recent breakup. As time flows by, he becomes a father, only to later find himself battling dementia in a nursing home. The Recorder's room is now in a state of danger. Yet, the hike goes on.
Every time a daughter was born, the father of Eleni, Asimina and Froso planted a poplar tree at the edge of their orchard to commemorate the arrival of the new child. As they grew and grew tall and slender, he boasted of them as his daughters. In the proudest poplar, however, Helen's poplar, a swarm of wild bees had already nested. "You will be happy, my daughter, and life will be as sweet as this honey. You'll see," her father used to tell her. But, the years passed and Eleni looked at the poplar and listened to the hum... "How do you know, father... How do you know that life has written only bitterness for my root".