Two neighboring clans and two different approaches to life. What happens when the strained relationship of two domineering fathers interferes with the love of their own children?
A little girl and a socialist orphanage. It is a strict children’s institution. How to overcome fears, insecurity and loneliness? To do this, the girl creates another self to talk to and argue with. And, of course, the dream of America where everything is beautiful and good. Where her father lives and waits for her. A girl and her foster family. There’s plenty of everything, but it doesn’t feel right. Emma’s trials don’t end there. Again and again, she must find the strength to hope, the stamina to live.
The protagonist of Sex OClock is a teenager, Adam, who until now has been mainly concerned with his dancing career. But his father soon turns the whole familys life upside down and starts a whole chain of unexpected events.
Croatia. A holiday destination for hundreds of thousands of Czech and Slovak tourists, who come here for the sea, mountains, monuments, entertainment, and relaxation. Because even in a holiday paradise, sometimes things go wrong. And sometimes there's murder... The story of the series takes place on the island of Hvar, where a central pair of Czech-Slovak detectives helps to solve crimes involving Czech and Slovak tourists. Michal and Ivana are like fire and water. While he is a funny, sarcastic detective from the "old school," she is a free-spirited, temperamental woman. Together, they must restore the disrupted harmony of the sunny island. The mixed local police force gets to investigate even the most serious crimes. The rule is clear. A Czech body, a Czech chief investigator. And vice versa.
A Czech medical television series that focuses on an emergency department. Each episode follows cases inspired by real-life stories and the cases of patients and healthcare professionals.
Ordinace v růžové zahradě je původní český televizní seriál z lékařského prostředí, který vysílá televize Nova. Seriál se začal vysílat 6. září 2005. Nejprve vyprávěl životní osudy lékařů soukromé gynekologické kliniky, jejich příbuzných a přátel, od 15. ledna 2008 se seriál pod názvem Ordinace v růžové zahradě 2 zaměřuje na prostředí chirurgie, plastické chirurgie a pediatrie. Děj se odehrává ve fiktivní obci Kamenice.