Produced by the activist video collective ACT UP/NY called DIVA TV (Damned Interfering Activist Television), this tape analyzes the collaborative demonstration "Stop the Church" by WHAM! (Women's Health Action and Mobilization) and ACT UP/NY on December 10, 1990, against Cardinal John O'Connor and the Roman Catholic Church's murderous stand on abortion rights, safer sex, and homosexuality.
This program profiles ACT UP (the AIDS Coalition To Unleash Power), the effective and inventive national AIDS activist organization. In 1989, ACT UP, a diverse, non-partisan group of individuals united in anger and committed to direct action to end the AIDS crisis, spawned DIVA-TV (Damned Interfering Video Activists) to organize independent video makers involved in AIDS activism. Working collectively to produce images of ACT UP's often massive, always colorful, protests, DIVA-TV is a prime example of how to use television as a tool for empowerment and organizing with an activist organization. BE A DIVA! is a compilation of works documenting the dynamic political activities of ACT UP.