A man becomes obsessed with money. He does not expect that if money is the essence of his life, there will be no room for any other values, or for himself.
A man escapes from a city to the bosom of nature. The problem is that he takes a lot of things with him. He would like to be free as a bird, but the things take control over the man and do not let him go.
A heavy smoker finds different ways to smoke all the time: while sleeping, in the shower, while shaving. People around the protagonist smoke too. His wife is the only exception. She talks about his health, wallet, and smell.
A boy comes home from school and reluctantly starts doing his homework. Suddenly, a large blot appears on the book's page. Grandpa Bibliophile comes out, orders the book to be cleaned, and shrinks the boy to microscopic size. The boy falls into the abyss and enters the world of letters. He meets Curiosity, who explains to him the meaning of words and their mutual relations. First, he comes to the word "beach," then to the word "winter," and finally to the word "garden." Curiosity promises the boy further extraordinary journeys.