My father only used a camera once in his life. Thirty years later, he asked me to digitise the material he had filmed. I was wondering what he remembers. Created from an impulse to rethink and rewatch personal archive footage, the film explores memory and its relation to documentation and non-institutional archive practices. Connecting politics with intimate spaces, the documentary questions both the influence of war on private archives and the role of gardens as places of new begginings.
Routinely, but with dedication, Mare runs her small family’s modest household, even though a new washing machine is not the only thing that is missing. When a chance encounter rekindles her libido, she does not hold back for long.
In the interior of the island of Brač, a group of women lives in an unusual off grid community. They do not believe in private property or hierarchy, they manage the community by direct democracy, share the land, they grow and forge plants trying to be autonomous as much as they can. They are plagued by drought, lack of water and resources, as well as climatic changes. Each of the members of the community has escaped from a past life and together they are trying to build their own small self-sustaining oasis. But when the question of registering ownership in the land register is raised, the very survival of the community comes into question.