As World War Two draws to a close, a sailor aboard ship in the Indian Ocean must do his duty. Watch must be kept, the horizon scanned for enemy craft and the bubble trails of deadly torpedoes fired from stealthy submarines. Haunted and scarred by conflict and the loss of fellow shipmates, our sailor's task is the Middle Watch, or the graveyard watch, as old mariners call it. But, as he goes about his duties, in the small hours of the morning, his routine is shattered by an encounter that could tip the balance of his delicate state of mind.
Are you having trouble getting the perfect nap? Has this ever happened to you? Well look no further with this instructional video How To: Sleep from LUC. Industries. Need help finding the right bedroom? No problem! Want to know the best way to breathe? Absolutely! Having trouble finding peace and quiet? We've got you covered! Follow our guide Morris as he teaches the steps required to obtain an ideal night's sleep. "It's trustworthy, it's reliable, you'll never wake up again!"