A triangle of love, death and separation. Eda and Sarp rent an Airbnb before a long separation. They walk into the house to find the housekeeper, Can, lying on the floor having tried to kill himself. And they save his life. But something more important needs rescuing: their relationship… With the help of wine and weed, the three talk, become closer and start playing a guessing game. But after a while Can crosses a line, despite being consistently right in his guesses.
Before the wedding, the families of the man and the woman come together. At this meeting, where rituals specific to Turkey are discussed, while there is complete harmony between the two families, it is revealed that the groom committed a murder in the past years. This news sparks many discussions, from political debates to gender roles. The true faces of the characters, who are decorated and ready to play their roles, are revealed. Nothing will be the same again.