Making art involves several difficulties, even more so when you are an artist in Brazil. We will follow the couple from Street Theater, Paula and Daniel, seeing how their love for art allows them to overcome adversity and take what they love to places where culture is relegated.
Bernardo and his friends are in the middle of a school reunion. It's been ten years since the last time the group got together, and they're all chatting while drinking and eating appetizers. Suddenly, Serena, his high school sweetheart, arrives alone, unaccompanied and different from everyone else in the room. As he watches her, Bernardo falls into a daydream, caught between memories of the past, in an insatiable search for the point at which his life became automatic.
João and Maria have a quiet life, focused on their routines, until they realize that the world they live in is a show. While Maria struggles to escape the manipulation, the line between the real and the imaginary begins to be broken. Not everything is under control.