The prophet Lehi preaches repentance to the people of Jerusalem and is persecuted. After he and his family leave Jerusalem he is told by the Lord to return and obtain the brass plates containing the sacred books of Moses. Nephi and his brothers muster their faith, obedience, and determination as they return to obtain the plates from the wicked Laban. 1 Nephi:1–5.
The Good Samaritan tells the most touching parable that Jesus ever taught. The story begins with the lawyer’s trick question, “What is the greatest commandment?” As Jesus answers with the story of the robbers, the Rabbi, the Levite and the wounded traveler becomes real. Imagine the traveler’s emotion as his own countrymen pass by while his enemy, a Samaritan, stops to help him. Jesus teaches us to love and serve one another no matter how we differ.
The Prodigal Son is a parable of a wayward son reunited with his father and family after having squandered all his inheritance through wasteful and idolatrous living. Learn of God’s encompassing love for those who humbly repent.
Treasures in Heaven is a wonderful story of contrast between two men who seek to follow Jesus. The young rich man asks how to gain eternal life and leaves saddened because he won’t forsake worldly wealth; while Zacchaeus, the publican, gives half of his wealth to the poor and restores four-fold anything wrongly taken, to follow Jesus and receive salvation.
Mahonri, the brother of Jared, is a righteous man in wicked Babel. After the tower of Babel is destroyed and the language of the people is confused, the Lord shows Mahonri how to build barges to carry the righteous across the sea to the Promised Land. When the brother of Jared asks the Lord to touch stones to light the barges, his faith is so strong that he receives a great revelation.
Samuel the Lamanite preaches of the birth of Jesus Christ and the sign of His coming but wicked Nephites drive Samuel from their city. Some Nephites believe Samuel but they are threatened with death for their beliefs. Will they be killed by Giddianhi and the evil Gadianton robbers before the sign is fulfilled?
The series features twenty-four stories from the New Testament, including many of the parables of Jesus, the story of his birth, death and resurrection. The series concludes with two episodes about Paul the Apostle and his missionary journeys.