ShortsHD is once again bringing the wildly popular Oscar nominated short film program (Live Action, Animation, and Documentary) to theaters in the US, Canada, and Europe beginning February 10th.
Stillman, a heartbroken physics student, builds a time machine when his girlfriend breaks up with him. Going back in time, he attempts to save their relationship by fixing every mistake he made—while dragging his best friend along in the process.
To combat the number of sex crimes and bring justice to the survivors of sexual assault, former Harris County, Texas, prosecutors Casey Garrett and Alicia O'Neill are travelling to small towns around the country to help local law enforcement close cases that have sat dormant for years.
Two brothers lose their jobs to automation and are given $3,000 a month in a new basic income program, allowing them to use their free time and free money to find purpose in a world where they're no longer needed.