Michelle / Austin
Season 10 • Episode 3
Broadcast date
Michelle, a lesbian, has a troubled history of being abandoned by her father and molested by a stranger. She was also ridiculed in middle school. After a relationship ended badly, Michelle turned to heroin and desperately needs an intervention. After seeing the group gathered, Michelle walked out in shock but came back when someone went and got her. Michelle agrees to go to treatment when asked and shows hope for the future. When Austin's stepfather died from alcoholism, he turned to alcohol himself to numb the pain. But Austin's girlfriend is now pregnant and the partying and binging he is engaging in needs to stop. Austin needs an intervention to become a sober dad and break his family's cycle of alcoholism. Austin initially walks right out of the intervention after seeing the people gathered as he realized what it was, but the interventionist goes after Austin and convinces him to hear them out. After an emotional plea from his little sister that drives both to tears, Austin agrees to go.
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