The Ryoma Treasure Battle Between Conan and Kid (2)
Season 1 • Episode 628
Broadcast date
On the day of the heist, Conan is confronted by Kid in the bathroom stalls who reveals he was able to bypass the metal detectors by removing the lead from the pistol. As Kid leaves, Conan overhears Tarumi and his appraiser hoping Kid succeeds in his plot. Kid appears at the announced time and publicly claims he is cleaning up before setting off the fire sprinklers; he blends into the crowd who are also soaked from the rain and makes his escape. The water washes off the description plates in the museum revealing messages from Kid detailing the items in the Ryōma exhibition are fake and how Tarumi had been creating forgeries and selling them to the black market. This is confirmed when they discover many identical copies of the letter, cup, and pistol returned by Kid. As evidence, the blood on the cup is revealed to belong to Tarumi's appraiser and partner in crime.
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