One spring morning, Pofánka arrives with an interesting little animal on the walk. The others have been pondering what it might be for a while, until Fityirc finally realizes that it is nothing more than a gluttonous bear. It is called because it is extremely gluttonous despite its small size. In spite of the warning given to Belabá's cheekbone, he decides to keep it. She calls her Brum. It soon becomes clear that Belaba was right. Brumi eats all of Pofánka's food and is forced to graze his new pet on the deserted meadow. The other muffins look worried that Brumi has apparently begun to grow. By the time Pofánka returns from the meadow, the bear will be so large that its owner will not be able to enter the living cavity. Cheers promises the others that he will build a lead for Brum the next day. At dawn, the kuffli are horrified to see that Brumi has stolen his breakfast for breakfast under the guise of the night. Plus it has grown tremendously!