Broadcast date
2016-01-01 • 262 episodes
Episodes of this season
18. Tuesday, January 26, 2016
event 2016-01-26
Headlines for January 26, 2016
Josh Fox on His New Doc "How to Let Go of the World and Love All the Things Climate Can’t Change"
Act Now, Cry Later: Tim DeChristopher, Aria Doe & Josh Fox on Civil Disobedience & Climate Activism
40 Years After "All the President’s Men," Redford Plays Another Journo Challenging Power in "Truth"
Legendary Actor Robert Redford on Climate Change and #OscarsSoWhite
Sundance Too Big? Robert Redford Says Sundance May Separate into Narrative, Doc & Shorts Festivals
19. Wednesday, January 27, 2016
event 2016-01-27
Headlines for January 27, 2016
Life, Animated: A Remarkable Story of How a Family Reached Their Autistic Son Through Disney Movies
Embracing Autism: Journalist Ron Suskind on Supporting His Son’s Strengths, Advice for Other Parents
Roger Ross Williams, the First Black Oscar-Winning Director, on "Life, Animated" & #OscarsSoWhite
20. Thursday, January 28, 2016
event 2016-01-28
Headlines for January 28, 2016
"The Settlers": New Film Reveals History & Consequences of Israeli Settlements on Palestinian Land
Covering War to End War: New Film Recounts Life & Legacy of James Foley, Journalist Killed by ISIS
21. Friday, January 29, 2016
event 2016-01-29
Headlines for January 29, 2016; Trump Absent, GOP Presidential Candidates Face Off on Syria, Planned Parenthood and Islamophobia; Former Salt Lake City Mayor Sues Bush Admin. Officials for Mass Surveillance During 2002 Olympics; "Audrie & Daisy": Mother of Audrie Pott, Teen Who Committed Suicide After Assault, Tells Her Story; Maryville Rape Survivor Daisy Coleman Meets Mom of Teen Who Killed Herself After Similar Ordeal
22. Monday, February 01, 2016
event 2016-02-01
Iowa Progressives Weigh Clinton vs Sanders as One of Whitest U.S. States Kicks Off Presidential Race; Bernie Sanders Says No to Fracked Oil Pipeline in Iowa, Will It Help Him in Today's Caucus?; From Taverns to Grain Elevators: How Iowa's Complex Caucus S
23. Tuesday, February 02, 2016
event 2016-02-02
Headlines for February 02, 2016; Iowa Caucuses: Bernie Sanders Rallies to Tie Hillary Clinton; Ted Cruz Upsets Donald Trump; After Dead Heat in Iowa, Will Clinton Move Further Left to Stop the Sanders Surge?; The Road to the White House Begins in Iowa, But Is It Already Sold to Wealthy Donors?; Clinton Laughs Off Question on Goldman Sachs, But Can Millions in Special Interest Cash Be Ignored?
24. Wednesday, February 03, 2016
event 2016-02-03
Headlines for February 03, 2016; Privatization on Steroids: Emergency Manager Who Switched Flint Water Resigns from Detroit Schools; Jewish Peace Groups Reveal Role in Spoof New York Times That Criticized Paper's Stance on Israel; Michael Eric Dyson on "The Black Presidency: Barack Obama and the Politics of Race in America"
25. Thursday, February 04, 2016
event 2016-02-04
Headlines for February 04, 2016; Will Julian Assange of WikiLeaks Go Free After U.N. Finds He Is Being Arbitrarily Detained?; Lori Wallach: Signing of TPP Marks Only Beginning of the Fight, Trade Deal Could Still Be Stopped; "There's a Jim Jones in Michigan": Lawmaker Likens Flint Crisis to Cult Leader Who Poisoned Members; Exclusive Report: How Long Did Flint's County Jail Inmates Drink Poisoned Water?; Zika Virus: Are Climate & Ecological Factors Driving Spread of Viral Diseases in the Americas?
26. Friday, February 05, 2016
event 2016-02-05
Headlines for February 05, 2016; Clinton Accuses Sanders of "Artful Smear" for Questioning Why Wall Street Gives Her Millions; Hillary Clinton Refuses to Say If She Will Release Copies of Her Paid Speeches to Goldman Sachs; Sanders & Clinton Spar on 2002 Iraq Vote; Clinton Praises Henry Kissinger; "A Significant Victory": Julian Assange Hails U.N. Panel Calling for His Freedom
27. Monday, February 08, 2016
event 2016-02-08
Headlines for February 08, 2016; Trump Leads GOP Charge Embracing Torture: "I'd Bring Back a Hell of a Lot Worse Than Waterboarding"; Another Bush, Another Preemptive War? Jeb Supports U.S. Military Strikes Against North Korea; Real Estate Magnate Trump Defends Using Eminent Domain to Seize Homes for Private Development; Trump Calls Police "Absolutely Mistreated"; Kasich Backs Collaboration Between Communities & Cops; Beyoncé Wins the Super Bowl: Pop Legend Invokes Black Panthers, #BlackLivesMatter at Ha
28. Tuesday, February 09, 2016
event 2016-02-09
Headlines for February 09, 2016; Former Vermont Governor Madeleine Kunin on Running Against Sanders in '86 & Endorsing Clinton in '16; Ex-NAACP Head Ben Jealous: Sanders is Most Consistent Candidate Tackling Racism, Militarism & Greed; Hillary Clinton & the "Mass Incarceration Machine": A Debate on Her Support of 1994 Crime Bill; Bernie Hasn't Changed His Tune: Ex-Vermont Gov. Says Sanders' Message Resonates, But Isn't Realistic; We Endorse No One: Black Lives Matter & the 2016 Presidential Race; "This Man Will Almost Certainly Die": The Secret Deaths of Dozens at Privatized Immigrant-Only Jails
29. Wednesday, February 10, 2016
event 2016-02-10
Headlines for February 10, 2016; Bernie Sanders on NH Victory: "Tonight We Served Notice to the Political and Economic Establishment"; "An Earthshaking Moment": Sanders Win Reveals Deep Divide Between Voters & Democratic Party Leaders; After Running Xenophobic & Racist Campaign, Donald Trump Wins Easily in New Hampshire; Ta-Nehisi Coates Is Voting for Bernie Sanders Despite the Senator's Opposition to Reparations
30. Thursday, February 11, 2016
event 2016-02-11
Barbara Lee: Post-9/11 Vote Should Not Be Used as Blank Check to Keep Waging Perpetual War; As Congressional Black Caucus PAC Prepares to Back Clinton, Barbara Lee Withholds Endorsement; Could Unelected Superdelegates Give Clinton the Nomination Even If Sanders Wins the Primaries?; Justice Dept. Sues Ferguson, Missouri, to Force Police Reforms
31. Friday, February 12, 2016
event 2016-02-12
War on Wall Street or Wall Street's Wars? Clinton and Sanders Debate in Wisconsin; Sanders Slams Clinton's Admiration for 'Destructive' Former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger; Who Endorsed Hillary Clinton? The Congressional Black Caucus or Its PAC Filled with Lobbyists?; Ta-Nehisi Coates: The Ideal Presidential Candidate Would Have 'Greater Acknowledgment of History'
32. Monday, February 15, 2016
event 2016-02-15
Scalia's Death Leaves Split Court to Decide Major Abortion, Labor, Voting Rights, Immigration Cases; Who is on President Obama's Shortlist to Replace Antonin Scalia?; Kimberlé Crenshaw: Scalia 'Bludgeoned' the Constitution That Gave Us Desegregation, Women's Rights; 'The War in Iraq was a Big, Fat Mistake': Trump & Bush Spar over War & 9/11; Stop Hate, Dump Trump: New Campaign Aims to Derail Presidential Bid Built on Racism & Xenophobia
33. Tuesday, February 16, 2016
event 2016-02-16
'Maya Angelou: And Still I Rise': First Film on Writer and Activist Chronicles an Extraordinary Life
34. Wednesday, February 17, 2016
event 2016-02-17
'Thirsty for Democracy: The Poisoning of an American City': Special Report on Flint's Water Crisis; What Did GM & the Governor Know? GM Stopped Using Flint Water Over a Year Before Emergency Declared; Meet the Flint Official Whose Bid to Restore Safe Drinking Water Was Blocked by an Unelected Manager; Inside How Citizens, Journalists, Doctors & Scientists Exposed the Flint Water Crisis Cover-up; Michigan's Water Wars: Nestlé Pumps Millions of Gallons for Free While Flint Pays for Poisoned Water
35. Thursday, February 18, 2016
event 2016-02-18
Apple vs. the FBI: Inside the Battle Snowden Calls 'The Most Important Tech Case in a Decade'; What Is the Government Still Hiding? ACLU Continues Fight to Obtain Photos of Bush-Era Torture; Keep It in the Ground: Author Terry Tempest Williams Buys 1,750 Acres of Oil & Gas Leases in Utah; Targeting Transgender Children, South Dakota Passes Transphobic School Bathroom Bill
36. Friday, February 19, 2016
event 2016-02-19
Democracy Now! Turns 20: A Freewheeling Look Back at Two Decades of Independent, Unembedded News
37. Monday, February 22, 2016
event 2016-02-22
Exclusive Interview: Albert Woodfox of Angola 3, Freed After 43 Years in Solitary Confinement
38. Tuesday, February 23, 2016
event 2016-02-23
'GOP - Get Out of My Panties': Former OH State Sen. Nina Turner on Gov. Kasich's Anti-Choice Record; 'A Great Partnership': Former OH Democratic Lawmaker Praises Kasich's Police Reforms After Killings; Nina Turner on Switching from Clinton to Sanders: He's Been a 'Constant Champion' of Civil Rights; Could the 2016 Election Be Stolen with Help from Electronic Voting Machines?; Prisons for Profit: Under Kasich, Ohio Becomes Laboratory for Privatizing Public Jails; Coalition of Immokalee Workers Targets Wendy's for Rejecting Fairer Standards for Farmworkers
39. Wednesday, February 24, 2016
event 2016-02-24
Will Obama's Guantánamo Plan Close the Prison or Just Relocate It to a New ZIP Code?; Is Donald Trump Heading to the GOP Nomination? Billionaire Wins Nevada Caucus with 46 percent of Vote; MarShawn McCarrel: Remembering the Black Lives Matter Activist Who Shot Himself at Ohio Statehouse
40. Thursday, February 25, 2016
event 2016-02-25
Winning His Race: Is Trump the Poster Child for the Rise of U.S. Hate Groups?; Will FBI Take a Bite Out of Apple? Former CIA Agent on Showdown Between Apple & U.S. Government; Former CIA Agent Says Edward Snowden Revelations Emboldened Apple to Push Back Against FBI; Exclusive: U.S. Journalist Detained Covering Bahrain Protests Gives 1st Interview Since Release
41. Friday, February 26, 2016
event 2016-02-26
Jose Antonio Vargas: GOP Debate on Immigration Marked by Misinformation & Lack of Empathy; Puerto Rico's Debt Crisis is Focus of 2 Congressional Hearings as Dems Propose a 'Super-Bankruptcy'; Did Trump University Scam Low-Income Students Who Are Now Suing the GOP Front-Runner?; Lee Fang: TV Pundits Praise Hillary Clinton On Air, Fail to Disclose Financial Ties to Her Campaign; #WhichHillary? #BlackLivesMatter Activist Demands Apology from Clinton for 'Superpredator' Comments; 'Trump is a Mercenary': Native Writer Gyasi Ross on GOP Debate & Why He's Not Endorsed Anyone (Yet)
42. Monday, February 29, 2016
event 2016-02-29
Headlines for February 29, 2016; Did Bernie Sanders Run a White, 'Northern Liberal' Campaign in South Carolina?; 'Making America Great for White Males': Activist Responds as Trump Refuses to Disavow KKK Support; 16 States Face New Voting Restrictions in First Election in 50 Years Without Full Voting Rights Act; 'White People's Choice Awards': Oscars Host Chris Rock Condemns Hollywood's Lack of Diversity; Is Hollywood 'Ambivalent About Latinos,' Limiting Them to Roles of Housekeeper and Gang Member?
43. Tuesday, March 1, 2016
event 2016-03-01
Headlines for March 01, 2016; Super Tuesday: Amid Protests over Racism, Donald Trump Appears Poised to Triumph in Key Contests; Donald Trump Wants to Commit War Crimes and Neocons Still Think He's Too Moderate; 'We Must & Can Aim High': Former Clinton Labor Secretary Robert Reich on Endorsing Bernie Sanders; Robert Reich: Donald Trump Isn't a Conservative, He is an Authoritarian
44. Wednesday, March 2, 2016
event 2016-03-02
Headlines for March 02, 2016; It's Time for a Basta Trump Campaign: Latino Leaders Launch Voter Registration Drive; Super Tuesday Roundtable: Few Surprises as Clinton and Trump Win 7 States Each, Sanders Gains 4; 'Trump's Train Did Not Stop in Texas Last Night': Cruz Wins Home State as SCOTUS Hears Abortion Case; Latino Vote Helps Bernie Sanders Surge to Victory in Colorado in Massive Democratic Caucus Turnout
45. Thursday, March 3, 2016
event 2016-03-03
Headlines for March 03, 2016; 'Stop the Sham': Thousands Rally as Supreme Court Hears Biggest Abortion Case in a Generation; Ginsburg, Sotomayor, Kagan Blast Texas Anti-Choice Law, But Will Their Male Colleagues Follow Suit; The Libya Gamble: Inside Hillary Clinton's Push for War & the Making of a Failed State
46. Friday, March 4, 2016
event 2016-03-04
Headlines for March 04, 2016; As Romney Warns Trump Will Lead U.S. into Abyss, Challengers Vow to Back Trump If He's GOP Nominee; Is Donald Trump the Charismatic Leader the KKK & Neo-Nazis Have Been Waiting For; 'I Give the Governor Credit': Rubio Praises Snyder's Handling of Flint's Man-made Water Crisis; Remembering Berta Cáceres, Assassinated Honduras Indigenous & Environmental Leader
47. Monday, March 7, 2016
event 2016-03-07
Headlines for March 07, 2016; The Presidential Race & Environmental Racism: Flint Water Crisis Center Stage at Democratic Debate; 'A Democracy Problem': As Debate Brings Attention to Flint, a Look at the Roots of the Water Crisis; Progressive Lawmakers on Sanders vs. Clinton: Reps. Grijalva & Clarke Respond to Sunday's Debate
48. Tuesday, March 8, 2016
event 2016-03-08
Headlines for March 08, 2016; 'Here's to Flint': Broadcast Premiere of ACLU Documentary on the Fight for Democracy & Clean Water; Honduran Activist Berta Cáceres Died in Gustavo Castro Soto's Arms; Now His Life is in Danger
49. Wednesday, March 9, 2016
event 2016-03-09
Headlines for March 09, 2016; Bernie or Hillary Cornel West & Dolores Huerta Debate After Sanders' Upset Win in Michigan; 'We Are Pushing Real Revolution': Black Lives Matter on Why They Don't Have Faith in Any Candidate; Bernie, Hillary or Revolution in the Streets Cornel West, Dolores Huerta & Black Lives Matter Debate; Tech CEOs & Republican Leaders Met Last Weekend to Plot to Stop Donald Trump
50. Thursday, March 10, 2016
event 2016-03-10
Headlines for March 10, 2016; Clinton & Sanders Spar on Immigration Reform, Deportations & U.S. Imperialism in Latin America; Andrew Bacevich: Why Is No Candidate Offering an Alternative to Militarized U.S. Foreign Policy; Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders: Who Can Trump Trump
51. Friday, March 11, 2016
event 2016-03-11
Headlines for March 11, 2016; As Trump's Rallies Become 'Racism Summits,' Linda Sarsour & Mohamed Elibiary Debate Islamophobia; Linda Sarsour: Sanders' Michigan Win 'Sent Loud & Clear Message' Not to Discount Arab-American Vote; As Trump Calls Himself 'Very, Very Pro-Israel,' Rubio & Cruz Accuse Him of Being Too Neutral; 'Old-Fashioned Redbaiting': Hillary Clinton Bashes Sanders as GOP Candidates Clash on Cuba; Before Her Assassination, Berta Cáceres Singled Out Hillary Clinton for Backing Honduran Coup; The Vulture: How Billionaire Rubio Backer Paul Singer Made Billions off Argentina Debt Crisis
52. Monday, March 14, 2016
event 2016-03-14
Headlines for March 14, 2016; Saying No to Hate: Meet the Chicago Activists Who Forced Trump to Cancel Campaign Rally; Sanders Thanks Rahm Emanuel for Not Endorsing Him, as Chicago Mayor Faces Increasing Calls to Resign; Could Someone Be Killed at a Trump Rally St. Louis Activist Speaks Out on Friday Campaign Chaos; Thanks to Jim Crow Era Law, 1 in 4 African-American Adults Can't Vote in Florida's Primary
53. Tuesday, March 15, 2016
event 2016-03-15
Headlines for March 15, 2016; Former GOP Congressmember Mickey Edwards: We Don't Have Democracy in Our Political System; 'Donald Trump Scares Me': Ex-GOP Lawmaker on the '16 Race, Climate Denialism & the Supreme Court; Father of Fascism Studies: Donald Trump Shows Alarming Willingness to Use Fascist Terms & Styles
54. Tuesday, March 15, 2016 Part 2
event 2016-03-15
Headlines for March 15, 2016; Former GOP Congressmember Mickey Edwards: We Don't Have Democracy in Our Political System; 'Donald Trump Scares Me': Ex-GOP Lawmaker on the '16 Race, Climate Denialism & the Supreme Court; Father of Fascism Studies: Donald Trump Shows Alarming Willingness to Use Fascist Terms & Styles
55. Wednesday, March 16, 2016
event 2016-03-16
Headlines for March 16, 2016; Donald Trump & His Enablers: John Nichols Calls Out Trump-Obsessed Media for Wall-to-Wall Coverage; Hillary Clinton Has Big Night; Media Moves to Silence Bernie Sanders Campaign; John Nichols: GOP Threats to Block Supreme Court Nominee are Wrong & Absurd; North Carolina Voter ID Law Takes Effect, Disproportionately Bars Blacks, Young People from Polls; Dream Defenders Launch #SquaDD2016 'Presidential' Campaign: 'We're Black, Brown, Radical & Tired as Hell'
56. Thursday, March 17, 2016
event 2016-03-17
Headlines for March 17, 2016; Merrick Garland: Where Does Supreme Court Pick Stand on Guantánamo, Death Penalty, Abortion; Buck v. Bell: Inside the SCOTUS Case That Led to Forced Sterilization of 70,000 & Inspired the Nazis
57. Friday, March 18, 2016
event 2016-03-18
Headlines for March 18, 2016; Slain Activist Berta Cáceres' Daughter: US Military Aid Has Fueled Repression & Violence in Honduras; Flint Residents: 'We Need a Public Health Disaster Declaration from President Obama'
58. Monday, March 21, 2016
event 2016-03-21
Headlines for March 21, 2016; Obama Visits Cuba in Historic Trip, But Will U.S. Ever End Embargo & Give Back Guantánamo; 'Donald Trump, Go Away': Amid Violence at Trump Rallies, New Yorkers Take to Streets Against Racism; Why Were a NYC Mayoral Adviser & a 74-Year-Old Activist Jailed Overnight for Filming an Arrest
59. Tuesday, March 22, 2016
event 2016-03-22
Headlines for March 22, 2016; As Twin Attacks Kill At Least 34 in Brussels, How Should Belgium and Europe Respond; Yousef Munayyer: Attacks in Brussels & Paris Underscore Need to Address Crisis in Syria; Is Clinton Moving to the Right of Trump on Israel-Palestine A Debate on the Candidates & AIPAC; Meet the Activist Sent to ICE Despite Being Citizen After Blocking Arizona Highway to Trump Rally
60. Wednesday, March 23, 2016
event 2016-03-23
Headlines for March 23, 2016; After Brussels Attack, Will Response Be More War or a Look at the Root Causes of Terrorism; The GOP Response to Belgium Torture & the 'Patrolling and Securing' of Muslim Neighborhoods; The People of Puerto Rico vs. the Hedge Funds: Supreme Court Hears Case on PR's Bankruptcy Laws; Who is the Best Democrat to Beat Trump Dolores Huerta Debates Ex-Salt Lake Mayor Rocky Anderson
61. Thursday, March 24, 2016
event 2016-03-24
Headlines for March 24, 2016; Glenn Greenwald: Is It A Coup What Is Happening in Brazil is Much Worse Than Donald Trump; Glenn Greenwald: Cruz, Trump, Clinton 'Playing into the Hands' of ISIL After Brussels Bombings; Glenn Greenwald: Hillary Clinton Has Embraced Some of the Most Brutal Dictators in the World
62. Friday, March 25, 2016
event 2016-03-25
Headlines for March 25, 2016; Erik Prince in the Hot Seat: Blackwater Founder Under Investigation for Illegal Mercenary Biz; Blackwater Founder's Latest Scheme: Money Laundering for Libyan Officials Through a Chinese Bank; Donald Trump's Top Foreign Adviser, Joseph Schmitz, is a Former Blackwater Executive; Think the NSA Can't Hack an iPhone Without Apple's Help Think Again.; Case of Navy SEAL Who Turned Over Photo of bin Laden Suggests SEAL Team Six Operates Above the Law; The True Story of the Pentagon Spies Who Posed as Christian Missionaries to Surveil North Korea
63. Monday, March 28, 2016
event 2016-03-28
Headlines for March 28, 2016; Bernie Sanders Wins Landslides in Washington, Alaska and Hawaii; Corporate Media Downplays Them; Angela Davis on Not Endorsing Any Presidential Candidate: 'I Think We Need a New Party'; Freedom Is a Constant Struggle: Angela Davis on Ferguson, Palestine & the Foundations of a Movement; Hands Off Assata Shakur: Angela Davis Calls for Radical Activism to Protect Activist Exiled in Cuba; As Sanders Sweeps 3 States, Meet the Young Immigrant Activist Helping Him Mobilize Latinos
64. Tuesday, March 29, 2016
event 2016-03-29
Headlines for March 29, 2016; Tariq Ali on Lahore Bombing: Is the Pakistani Government Turning a Blind Eye to Taliban Violence; 'Complete Fantasy': Tariq Ali on Donald Trump's Claim 'I Alone Can Solve' Rise in Islamic Militancy; Greenwald: FBI-Apple Fight Tied to U.S. Effort to Access the Communications of Everyone Everywhere; Bullied by the Government: North Carolina Sued After Enacting Sweeping Anti-Transgender Law
65. Wednesday, March 30, 2016
event 2016-03-30
Headlines for March 30, 2016; Juan González Retires from New York Daily News, Praised for His 'Relentless Assault on Injustice'; Family of Mexican Man 'Tortured & Killed' by U.S. Border Agents Seeks Justice at Int'l Tribunal; '2 Steps Forward, 1 Step Back': Will Obama's New Opioid Proposal Continue the Failed War on Drugs; Plaintiff in HB 2 Suit: I Can't Believe NC Is Passing Laws Requiring Anti-Trans Discrimination
66. Thursday, March 31, 2016
event 2016-03-31
Headlines for March 31, 2016; The Price of Fighting Back: How Woman Faces 60 Years in Prison for the Death of Her Abusive Ex; 'Spain in Our Hearts': Adam Hochschild's New Book Gives Life to the Americans Who Fought Fascism; Fueling Fascism: The Secret History of How Texaco Supplied Oil to Fascists in Spain
67. Friday, April 1, 2016
event 2016-04-01
Headlines for April 01, 2016; Largest Pay Raise for American Workers in History NY and CA Approve $15 Minimum Wage Hike; Exclusive: Cherelle Baldwin on Being Found Not Guilty for Defending Herself Against Abusive Ex; Human Rights Advocates: U.S.-Backed Saudi Offensive in Yemen a 'Dark Mark' on Obama's Presidency
68. Monday, April 4, 2016
event 2016-04-04
Headlines for April 04, 2016; Meet the Greenpeace Activist Who Confronted Hillary Clinton over Ties to Fossil Fuel Industry; How Much Money Has Hillary Clinton's Campaign Taken from Fossil Fuel Companies; 'Love Trumps Hate': Actress Rosario Dawson on Why She Supports Bernie Sanders for President; Voter ID Nightmare: Up to 300,000 Wisconsin Voters Could Be Barred from Polls Thanks to Scott Walker
69. Tuesday, April 5, 2016
event 2016-04-05
Headlines for April 05, 2016; Panama Papers: World Leaders from Iceland to Argentina Exposed in Massive Tax Evasion Scheme; Did Bernie Sanders Predict the Panama Papers When He Opposed Clinton-Backed U.S.-Panama Trade Deal; Panama Papers' Reporters Explain How the Biggest Leak in Data Journalism's History Materialized; Could Citizens United Help Foreign Billionaires Buy This Election An FEC Commissioner Speaks Out
70. Wednesday, April 6, 2016
event 2016-04-06
Headlines for April 06, 2016; 'A Victory for the Underdogs': Sanders & Cruz Win Big in Wisconsin as Front-Runners Stumble; Van Jones: New York Primary is 'War to Settle the Score' Between Bernie Sanders & Hillary Clinton; Van Jones Says 'Volcano of White Rage' Propping Up 'Dangerous' Trump Candidacy; Juan González Was at Bernie Sanders' NY Daily News Editorial Board Meeting. What Really Happened; In Shock to Wall Street & Washington, Puerto Rico Moves to Suspend Payments on $72B Public Debt; Special Report: Voices from Puerto Rico's Students Leading an Anti-Austerity Movement; Iceland's Pirate Party Gains Popularity After Prime Minister Walks the Plank over 'Panama Papers'
71. Thursday, April 7, 2016
event 2016-04-07
Headlines for April 07, 2016; A Torturer's Confession: Former Abu Ghraib Interrogator Speaks Out; Ex-Abu Ghraib Interrogator: Israelis Trained U.S. to Use 'Palestinian Chair' Torture Device; Former Abu Ghraib Interrogator: Because of Trump & Cruz, Door Still 'Wide Open' for U.S. to Torture; Melissa Harris-Perry on Race, Media, and the Story Behind This Year's Presidential Race
72. Friday, April 8, 2016
event 2016-04-08
Headlines for April 08, 2016; Juan González: Kasich May Look Like a 'Moderate,' But He's Still Dangerously Conservative; 'We Will Prevail': Three Words, Three American Presidents & An Endless War in Iraq; Andrew Bacevich: America's War for the Greater Middle East Cannot Be Won; Military Historian Agrees with Bernie Sanders: Hillary Clinton is an Unreconstructed Hawk; #Deported2Death: Why Did Obama Deport 85 Muslim Asylum Seekers; Amy Goodman Is Inducted into I.F. Stone Hall of Fame as Democracy Now! Begins 20th Anniversary Tour
73. Monday, April 11, 2016
event 2016-04-11
Headlines for April 11, 2016; Black Lives Matter Activist: Bill Clinton's Defense of 'Superpredator' Policies Dehumanizes Us; Black Lives Matter vs. the LAPD: Are the Police Unfairly Targeting & Surveilling the Movement; Seven Decades Ago the U.S. Detained 120,000 Japanese Americans, Could It Happen Again
74. Tuesday, April 12, 2016
event 2016-04-12
Headlines for April 12, 2016; Democracy Spring: Over 400 Arrested at U.S. Capitol Protesting Corruption & Money in Politics; Lee Fang: Dark Money & Lobbyists Serving as Superdelegates Could Decide the 2016 Race; Beauty Secrets of the Spies: CIA Begins Investing in Skin Care Products That Collect DNA; Death by Gentrification: Alex Nieto Killed by Hail of Police Bullets in a Changing San Francisco
75. Wednesday, April 13, 2016
event 2016-04-13
Headlines for April 13, 2016; Hear Hillary Clinton Defend Her Role in Honduras Coup When Questioned by Juan González; 'She's Baldly Lying': Dana Frank Responds to Hillary Clinton's Defense of Her Role in Honduras Coup; 'America's Afghan Refugee Crisis': 15 Years into War, U.S. Urged to Resettle More Displaced Afghans; As John Kerry Visits Hiroshima, U.S. Quietly Launches $1 Trillion Effort to Upgrade Nuclear Arsenal
76. Thursday, April 14, 2016
event 2016-04-14
Headlines for April 14, 2016; As Clinton Backs Closer U.S.-Israel Ties, Sanders Criticizes Settlements & 2014 Assault on Gaza; Landmark Climate Lawsuit: Meet the Youth Activists Suing the U.S. Government & Fossil Fuel Industry; Who's Teaching Us: Stanford Students Demand Faculty Diversity & Support for Ethnic Studies
77. Friday, April 15, 2016
event 2016-04-15
Headlines for April 15, 2016; Clinton & Sanders Debate in Brooklyn, Taking on Social Security, Superpredators, Political Judgment; Juan González: Clinton Has 'Really Distorted' What Happened When NY Daily News Interviewed Sanders; Bernie Sanders: Treating Palestinians with Respect & Dignity Does Not Make Me Anti-Israel; Robert Scheer v. Torie Osborn: A Heated Debate on Sanders vs. Clinton with Two Longtime Progressives; 'No Racism in New York': 1,000 People Rally Against GOP Front-Runner Donald Trump in Manhattan; 'First Amendment Rights!' Two Democracy Now! Journalists Arrested Filming Anti-Trump Rally in NYC
78. Monday, April 18, 2016
event 2016-04-18
Headlines for April 18, 2016; Democracy Awakening: Mass Civil Disobedience Planned on Capitol Hill to Cap Week of 900+ Arrests; 'This is Not a Bathroom Bill, This is a Hate Bill': Rev. William Barber on NC's HB 2; Is the Seafood You Eat Caught by Slaves Meet the Pulitzer Winners Who Broke Open a Global Scandal
79. Tuesday, April 19, 2016
event 2016-04-19
Headlines for April 19, 2016; 'The American People are on Our Side': Immigration Advocates Bullish on SCOTUS Immigration Case; Jose Antonio Vargas: There's Nothing More American Than Fighting for Immigration Reform; Rep. Luis Gutiérrez: U.S. Exceeding King George III's Despotism in Current Treatment of Puerto Rico; Rep. Luis Gutiérrez on 'Hamilton': When We Get to Write, the Script is Very, Very Different; Millions of New Yorkers Disenfranchised from Primaries Thanks to State's Restrictive Voting Laws; As Anti-LGBT Laws Sweep U.S., How Did Utah Approve a Landmark Nondiscrimination Bill; Will the Mormon Church Take Over The Salt Lake Tribune, Silencing an Independent Voice
80. Wednesday, April 20, 2016
event 2016-04-20
Headlines for April 20, 2016; Battle for New York: Clinton & Trump Win as NYC Voters Report Chaos & 'Irregularities' at the Polls; New York Primary: Chaos at Polling Sites, Broken Scanners & Whole Blocks Purged from Voter Rolls; Is the U.S. Backing Rousseff's Ouster in Brazil Opposition Holds Talks in D.C. as Obama Stays Quiet
81. Thursday, April 21, 2016
event 2016-04-21
Headlines for April 21, 2016; As Officer Who Killed Akai Gurley Gets No Jail Time, Asian Americans Debate Role of White Supremacy; Michigan Officials Charged in Flint Water Poisoning, but Gov. Snyder Has Not Even Been Questioned; As Saudis Continue Deadly Bombing of Yemen, Is Obama Trading Cluster Munitions for Riyadh’s Loyalty
82. Friday, April 22, 2016
event 2016-04-22
Headlines for April 22, 2016; Honor or Insult: A Debate on the Significance of Harriet Tubman on the New $20 Bill; 'He Refused to Live in a Binary': The World Mourns Death of Gender-Bending Music Legend Prince; Colorado's First Black Woman Pot Entrepreneur on Edibles, Incarceration & the Industry's Whiteness; #EarthDay: As Paris Deal Is Signed, Gulf Coast Residents Demand End to Drilling - Entirely; Debate: Should Boulder, Colorado, Become a Sister City of Nablus in Israeli-Occupied West Bank
83. Monday, April 25, 2016
event 2016-04-25
Headlines for April 25, 2016; 'Horrified': Seymour Hersh Reacts to Obama's Plan to Send 250 More U.S. Special Ops Troops to Syria; Seymour Hersh Weighs In on Sanders vs. Clinton: 'Something Amazing Is Happening in This Country'; Is the Obama Admin Ignoring the Role of Turkey & Saudi Arabia in Syria's 2013 Sarin Gas Attacks; Sy Hersh's Book on Bin Laden Killing Rejects U.S. Story, Says Saudis Financed Hiding of Qaeda Leader
84. Tuesday, April 26, 2016
event 2016-04-26
Headlines for April 26, 2016; Not Justice & Not Enough: Tamir Rice Family Gets $6M Settlement for Police Killing of 12-Year-Old; Family of Samuel Harrell, Killed by 'Beat Up Squad' in NY Prison, Holds Hunger Strike for Justice; 30 Years After Chernobyl, World's Worst Nuclear Disaster, U.S. Activists Warn of Ongoing Risks
85. Wednesday, April 27, 2016
event 2016-04-27
Headlines for April 27, 2016; How Trump Became the GOP's 'Presumptive Nominee' with Hate-Fueled Rhetoric & Attacks on Immigrants; Why Did the Former Republican Gov. of New Mexico Join the Libertarian Party to Run for President; 2016 Roundtable: Ahead of June 7 Primary, New Mexico Politicians on Who They're Voting for & Why
86. Thursday, April 28, 2016
event 2016-04-28
Headlines for April 28, 2016; Noam Chomsky: Young Bernie Sanders Supporters are a 'Mobilized Force That Could Change the Country'; Former Greek Finance Minister: Massive IMF Bailouts are 'Ponzi Austerity' Scheme; Yanis Varoufakis: Bailouts of Greece are Pretense for Massive Payout for German and French Banks; 'We Were Elected to Say No to the Creditors': Varoufakis on Resigning as Greek Finance Minister; Yanis Varoufakis: Europe’s 'Hot Spot' Refugee Registration Centers are 'Concentration Camps'
87. Friday, April 29, 2016
event 2016-04-29
Headlines for April 29, 2016; After 36-Day Student Occupation, University of California at Davis Chancellor Is Put on Leave; Northern Arizona U. Students Launch Sit-In as Fossil Fuel Divestment Movement Sweeps Country; Historian Peter Linebaugh on 'The Incomplete, True, Authentic & Wonderful History of May Day'; Is Trump's Rhetoric Reigniting Anti-Immigrant Legislation in Arizona; Lena Rothman: A Trump Supporter Assaulted Me at a Rally - Then Police Arrested Me Instead of Him
88. Monday, May 2, 2016
event 2016-05-02
Headlines for May 02, 2016; RIP Father Daniel Berrigan: Remembering the Life and Legacy of the Antiwar Priest & Poet; 'It was the Happiest Day of My Life': Martin Sheen Recalls His Arrest Alongside Father Dan Berrigan; Dan Berrigan in His Own Words: Antiwar Priest Speaks About 9/11 in Democracy Now! Studios in 2002; In 2006 Interview, Fr. Dan Berrigan Recalls Confronting Defense Secretary McNamara over Vietnam War; 'His World Was Always Filled with Such Beauty': Frida Berrigan on Her Uncle, Priest Daniel Berrigan; Friends Remember Fr. Dan Berrigan: 'He Said He Didn't Believe in Heroes, He Believed in Community'; 'The Cause is the Heart's Beat': See Father Berrigan Recite His Poem 'Some' in 2006
89. Tuesday, May 3, 2016
event 2016-05-03
Headlines for May 03, 2016; Jeremy Scahill Remembers His Longtime Friend, Father Daniel Berrigan: 'The Man was a Moral Giant'; 'The Assassination Complex': Jeremy Scahill & Glenn Greenwald Probe Secret US Drone Wars in New Book; 'This Isn't a War on Leaks, It's a War on Whistleblowers': Snowden Pens Foreword to New Scahill Book; Jeremy Scahill: Clinton is Legendary Hawk, But Sanders Shouldn't Get Pass on Role in Regime Change
90. Wednesday, May 4, 2016
event 2016-05-04
Headlines for May 04, 2016; 'Slickest Con Man Out of NYC': Donald Trump Set to Be GOP Nominee Despite Links to Organized Crime; 'A Voice from Another Part of New York': Hear Juan González's NY Journalism Hall of Fame Speech; Revolutionary, Strike Leader & Columnist: Juan González Retires from NY Daily News After 29 Years
91. Thursday, May 5, 2016
event 2016-05-05
Headlines for May 05, 2016; Former Death Row Prisoner Moreese Bickham Dies at 98: He Served 37 Years for Killing Klansmen Cops; 'Callings': In 'Radical' New Book, StoryCorps Honors the Voices of Unsung U.S. Workers
92. Friday, May 6, 2016
event 2016-05-06
Headlines for May 06, 2016; #BernieOrBust: Sanders Fans Debate Whether to Vote for Clinton If She is Democratic Nominee; After a Landmark Legal Ruling, Will CIA Torture Victims Finally Have Their Day in Court
93. Monday, May 9, 2016
event 2016-05-09
Headlines for May 09, 2016; #StopTrump Protesters Lock Themselves to Ladders to Block Traffic Outside Trump Rally in Washington; Driscoll's Workers Call for Global Boycott over Alleged Abuses at World's Biggest Berry Distributor; 'One of the Great Revolutionaries': Daniel Berrigan Remembered as Hundreds Gather for Funeral
94. Tuesday, May 10, 2016
event 2016-05-10
Headlines for May 10, 2016; Ralph Nader: Sanders Should Stay in Democratic Race, Is Only Losing Due to Anti-Democratic System; Nader: TV Networks Give Trump a 'Free Ride' on Public Airwaves & Cash In on the Election; Nader: The U.S. Political & Media System Is Designed to Obstruct, Silence Third-Party Candidates; Glenn Greenwald on Brazil: Goal of Rousseff Impeachment is to Boost Neoliberals & Protect Corruption
95. Wednesday, May 11, 2016
event 2016-05-11
Headlines for May 11, 2016; Obama to Make History with Hiroshima Visit, as U.S. Quietly Upgrades Nuclear Arsenal; Trump Picks White Supremacist Leader as California Delegate, Then Blames Selection on Database Error; Tortured, Killed & Driven to Suicide: Whistleblower Exposes Abuse of Mentally Ill in Florida Prison
96. Thursday, May 12, 2016
event 2016-05-12
Headlines for May 12, 2016; Remembering Michael Ratner, Pioneering Lawyer Who Fought for Justice from Attica to Guantánamo; Julian Assange: Michael Ratner was a 'Campaigner for Justice' from Guatemala to Palestine; Suing Dictators Around the World: A Look at How Michael Ratner Helped Reshape Human Rights Law
97. Friday, May 13, 2016
event 2016-05-13
Headlines for May 13, 2016; With Rousseff Out, Brazil's Interim President Installs Conservative All-White, All-Male Cabinet; Amid Ongoing Conflict in Syria, Activists Work to Keep Alive Revolutionary Spirit of 2011 Uprising; Alabama Prison Strike Organizer Speaks from Behind Bars: We Are Engaged in a Struggle for Our Lives
98. Monday, May 16, 2016
event 2016-05-16
Headlines for May 16, 2016; Noam Chomsky: Climate Change & Nuclear Proliferation Pose the Worst Threat Ever Faced by Humans; Chomsky on Trump's Climate Denialism: He Wants Us to March Toward the Destruction of the Species; Chomsky: Hillary Clinton Fears BDS Because It Counters Decades of US Support for Israeli Aggression; Chomsky on Supporting Sanders & Why He Would Vote for Clinton Against Trump in a Swing State
99. Tuesday, May 17, 2016
event 2016-05-17
Headlines for May 17, 2016; Noam Chomsky on Syria Conflict: Cut Off the Flow of Arms & Stop Bombing to Stem the Atrocities; Chomsky: Saudi Arabia is the 'Center of Radical Islamic Extremism' Now Spreading Among Sunni Muslims; Noam Chomsky: Brazil's President Dilma Rousseff 'Impeached by a Gang of Thieves'; Chomsky: Today's Republican Party is a Candidate for Most Dangerous Organization in Human History; Chomsky on Obama's Visit to Hiroshima & Presidential Legacy: 'Nothing to Rave About'; Chomsky on the Late Michael Ratner & How U.S. Thawed Cuba Ties to Avoid Dwindling Regional Influence
100. Wednesday, May 18, 2016
event 2016-05-18
Headlines for May 18, 2016; How Donald Trump Risks Trade War, Crosses Lines on Racism, Wreaks Havoc on U.S. Conservatism; Will 712 Democratic Officials Decide 2016 Election Uncovering the Secret History of Superdelegates; Rekia Boyd's Killer Resigns as Activists Call for End to 'Reign of Terror' by Chicago Police
101. Thursday, May 19, 2016
event 2016-05-19
Headlines for May 19, 2016; Robert McChesney: Mainstream Corporate Media Covering 2016 Election Through Eyes of Clinton Campaign; Trump Vows to Sue New York Times in Latest Show of Disregard for Freedom of Press; Robert McChesney: Facebook's Monopoly & Surveillance Antithetical to Free Press and a Free Society; In Obama's Backyard, Father of 5 US-born Kids Seeks Sanctuary in Chicago Church to Avoid Deportation; Rebel Reporter: Late Poet and Activist John Ross Remembered in New Book on Independent Journalism
102. Friday, May 20, 2016
event 2016-05-20
Headlines for May 20, 2016; Canada Apologizes for Racist Incident 100 Years After Rejecting Komagata Maru Ship of 370 Immigrants; Occupied Canada: Indigenous & Black Lives Matter Activists Unite to Protest Violence & Neglect
103. Monday, May 23, 2016
event 2016-05-23
Headlines for May 23, 2016; Exclusive: Source Reveals How Pentagon Ruined Whistleblower's Life and Set Stage for Snowden's Leaks
104. Tuesday, May 24, 2016
event 2016-05-24
Headlines for May 24, 2016; Pastor: Acquittal in Freddie Gray Case Highlights Deep Distrust in Legal System in Black Community; Obama Urged to Stop Funding Honduran Military as Questions Grow over US Role in Berta Cáceres' Death; As Hillary Clinton Defends Her Role in 2009 Coup, Is U.S. Aid to Honduras Adding 'Fuel to the Fire'; 'Free Wildin': Teen Picked Up by ICE on His Way to High School Faces Deportation to Honduras
105. Wednesday, May 25, 2016
event 2016-05-25
Headlines for May 25, 2016; This Confirms It was a Coup: Brazil Crisis Deepens as Evidence Mounts of Plot to Oust Dilma Rousseff; 39,000 Verizon Workers Mark Six Weeks on Strike in Biggest U.S. Labor Action in Years; Our Lives are on the Line: Protesters Blockade Planned Pipeline Site Near Nuclear Plant Outside NYC
106. Thursday, May 26, 2016
event 2016-05-26
Headlines for May 26, 2016; 'Significant Security Risks': State Department Says Clinton Broke Rules Using Private Email Server; Granddaughter of Exxon Scientist Confronts CEO over Oil Giant’s Decision to Fund Climate Lies; Bill McKibben on Exxon, the Power of Divestment, and Being Targeted by Shadowy Right-Wing Group; Keep Oil in the Soil: Bill McKibben on Being Named by Sanders to DNC Platform Committee; Texas and 10 Other States Escalate Attacks on Trans People with 'Political Stunt' Bathroom Lawsuit
107. Friday, May 27, 2016
event 2016-05-27
Headlines for May 27, 2016; A Colonial Takeover: Proposed Puerto Rican Debt Bill to Give 'Dictatorial Powers' to Unelected Board; 'Civil Disobedience is Survival': Ireri Carrasco Sues Obama Admin for Denying Her DACA over Protests; In Hiroshima Obama Calls for World Without Nukes, Contradicting New $1 Trillion Weapon Upgrade Plan; 'We Learned to Step over the Dead': Hiroshima Survivor & Anti-Nuclear Activist Recalls U.S. Bombing
108. Monday, May 30, 2016
event 2016-05-30
Remembering Father Daniel Berrigan, a Prophet of Peace; From Attica to Assange, Attorney Michael Ratner Remembered as Social Justice Champion
109. Tuesday, May 31, 2016
event 2016-05-31
Headlines for May 31, 2016; In Historic Ruling, Ex-Dictator of Chad Hissène Habré Convicted of Crimes Against Humanity; From U.S. Ally to Convicted War Criminal: Inside Chad's Hissène Habré's Close Ties to Reagan Admin; It's Not Just the Speeches: Hillary Clinton Questioned over Son-in-Law’s Ties to Goldman Sachs; DNC Chair Wasserman Schultz Faces Criticism for Bias & Opening Up DNC to Lobbyists; Meet the Bernie Sanders Supporter Who Debated Bill Clinton for 30 Minutes at a New Mexico Restaurant
110. Wednesday, June 1, 2016
event 2016-06-01
Headlines for June 01, 2016; As 1,000 Refugees Drown Under European Policies, Meet the Volunteers Who Are Trying to Save Lives; OAS Threatens to Suspend Venezuela While Ignoring Recent Ouster of Brazil’s Dilma Rousseff; In Wake of Coup, Should Brazil's Olympics Be Moved or Become a Site of Protest
111. Thursday, June 2, 2016
event 2016-06-02
Headlines for June 02, 2016; Iraq War Veteran on Protesting Trump: We Do Not Want to Be Used as Props for Hate; 'The System Is Set Up to Protect Officers': Activists React to Lack of Charges in Jamar Clark Case; Black Lives Matter Activist Convicted of Felony Lynching: 'It's More Than Ironic, It's Disgusting'; Africa’s Last Colony: Western Saharan Independence Movement Mourns Loss of Polisario Front Leader
112. Friday, June 3, 2016
event 2016-06-03
Headlines for June 03, 2016; 'I Refuse to Serve as an Empire Chaplain': U.S. Army Minister Resigns over Drone Program; 'I Refuse to Support U.S. Armed Drone Policy': Army Chaplain Reads Resignation Letter to Obama; 'A School for Suicide': How Kalief Browder Learned to Kill Himself During 3 Years at Rikers Jail; Climate Hero & Former Maldives President Mohamed Nasheed Gets U.K. Asylum After Ouster & Jailing
113. Monday, June 6, 2016
event 2016-06-06
Headlines for June 03, 2016; 'I Refuse to Serve as an Empire Chaplain': U.S. Army Minister Resigns over Drone Program; 'I Refuse to Support U.S. Armed Drone Policy': Army Chaplain Reads Resignation Letter to Obama; 'A School for Suicide': How Kalief Browder Learned to Kill Himself During 3 Years at Rikers Jail; Climate Hero & Former Maldives President Mohamed Nasheed Gets U.K. Asylum After Ouster & Jailing
114. Tuesday, June 7, 2016
event 2016-06-07
Headlines for June 07, 2016; 'Highly Inappropriate': Sanders Backer Slams AP, NBC for Calling Democratic Race Before Today's Vote; California Senate President: Trump is a 'Very Dangerous Man' for Denying Climate Change, Drought; Sanders or Clinton Two Progressive California Lawmakers Debate Ahead of Today’s Vote; California Senate President: Trump's Attack on Federal Judge is Racist, Anti-Immigrant; Why Did Black Lives Matter Activist Face Four Years in Jail While Stanford Rapist Gets Six Months; Will Decision to Call Race a Day Before Primary Deter Californians from Voting in Key Race
115. Wednesday, June 8, 2016
event 2016-06-08
Headlines for June 08, 2016; 'Historic Moment for Women': Dolores Huerta on Hillary Clinton Declaring Victory in Democratic Race; Dolores Huerta vs. Norman Solomon: A Debate on Best Path Forward for Democratic Party; 'This is Huge': Voices from Hillary Clinton’s Victory Rally in Brooklyn; Dolores Huerta & Norman Solomon on Trump, Sanders' Next Steps & Media Coverage of the 2016 Race; Meet the Law Professor Leading a Bid to Recall the Judge Who Sentenced Stanford Rapist to 6 Months
116. Thursday, June 9, 2016
event 2016-06-09
Headlines for June 09, 2016; Jill Stein to Bernie Sanders: Run on the Green Party Ticket & Continue Your Political Revolution; Green Party's Jill Stein: What We Fear from Donald Trump, We Have Already Seen from Hillary Clinton; Debate: Is Cuomo's Crackdown on BDS Unconstitutional McCarthyism or a Stand Against Anti-Semitism; As 13M People Read Stanford Victim's Letter, Advocates See 'Watershed' Moment in Fight Against Rape
117. Friday, June 10, 2016
event 2016-06-10
Headlines for June 10, 2016; 'The Campaign Will Go On': Sanders Backers Vow to Keep Fighting to Change Nation & Democratic Party; Can Bernie Sanders Help Rewrite Democratic Platform to Ban Fracking & Keep Oil in the Soil; As California Admits 2 Million Ballots Remain Uncounted, Sanders Pushes for Changing Primary Process; Don't De-Islamicize Muhammad Ali: Scholar Says Muslim Faith was Central to His Views on Racism & War; Dave Zirin on the Whitewashing of Muhammad Ali: He Wasn't Against Just War, But Empire
118. Monday, June 13, 2016
event 2016-06-13
Headlines for June 13, 2016; Deadliest Attack Ever on LGBT Community Claims Lives of 50 People in Orlando, Mostly Young Latinos; Nightclubs are Our Safe Havens: Longtime Patron of Orlando LGBT Club Reacts to Mass Shooting; Openly Gay Muslim Imam Reacts to Orlando: Clubs Like Pulse are Safe Havens for LGBT Muslims, Too; Orlando Massacre Comes After Lawmakers in U.S. Filed More Than 200 Anti-LGBT Bills; 'How Many Shootings Must We Have' Florida State Senator Calls for Gun Control After Pulse Massacre; Australia Stopped Mass Shootings After 1996 Massacre, So Why Doesn't the U.S. Follow Suit
119. Tuesday, June 14, 2016
event 2016-06-14
Headlines for June 14, 2016; Nephew of Slain Gay Icon Harvey Milk: Orlando Massacre Marks One of the LGBT Movement's Darkest Days; Activist: Latinx LGBTQ Community & Its Stories of Survival Should Be at Center of Orlando Response; When It Comes to Orlando Massacre, Domestic Violence is the Red Flag We Aren't Talking About
120. Wednesday, June 15, 2016
event 2016-06-15
Headlines for June 15, 2016; 'Our Nation is Under Attack': Lawmakers Push Laws to End 'Scourge of Gun Violence on Our Streets'; In Honor of Berta Cáceres, Rep. Hank Johnson Introduces Historic Bill to Stop U.S. Aid to Honduras; Successor to Honduran Activist Berta Cáceres: Her Death Is Tied to 'Capitalist Neoliberal Policies'; Puerto Rico Is Being Left Voiceless: San Juan Mayor Condemns Bill to Create 'Colonial Control Board'; Puerto Rico in Mourning: Nearly Half of the Orlando Massacre Victims were from the Island
121. Thursday, June 16, 2016
event 2016-06-16
Headlines for June 16, 2016; Democratic Gun Control Filibuster Leaves Advocates Skeptical: 'We Could Be Asking for a Lot More'; How Donald Trump Bankrupted His Casinos, Left Contractors Unpaid, Ruined Investors & Made Millions; Dishwashers, Plumbers, Waiters & Lawyers: Hundreds Accuse Trump of Failing to Pay for Their Work; David Cay Johnston: There is 'Incredibly Strong Evidence' Donald Trump Has Committed Tax Fraud
122. Friday, June 17, 2016
event 2016-06-17
Headlines for June 17, 2016; As Britain Mourns MP Jo Cox, Her Killer Is Linked to Neo-Nazi National Alliance & Pro-Apartheid Club; Bernie Sanders Vows to Continue His Political Revolution as Thousands Plan to Attend People's Summit; NYPD Surveillance Unveiled: City Claims to Lose Docs on 1960s Radicals, Then Finds 1 Million Records; Latest CIA Torture Docs Show 'Evidence of War Crimes' & Level of Brutality That Even Shocked Bush
123. Monday, June 20, 2016
event 2016-06-20
Headlines for June 20, 2016; Juan González to the Bernie or Bust Movement: Don't Repeat the Mistakes of 1968 That Elected Nixon; 'Our Dreams Don't Fit on Your Ballots': Naomi Klein on Next Steps for Pro-Bernie Sanders Movement; Rosario Dawson at People's Summit: We Need to Stay the Course to Build a New Movement; Naomi Klein: There Would Be No Bernie Movement Without #FightFor15, Keystone XL & #BlackLivesMatter; If Australia Can Do It, Why Not Us How a Conservative Gov't Enacted Gun Reform After Mass Shooting
124. Tuesday, June 21, 2016
event 2016-06-21
Headlines for June 21, 2016; An Attack on Democracy Itself: UK Opposition Leader Jeremy Corbyn Pays Tribute to Murdered MP Jo Cox; Jeremy Corbyn: Why I Am Voting for Britain to 'Remain' in European Union in Historic Brexit Vote; Police Department or Frat House 3 Oakland Police Chiefs Resign in 9 Days Amid Sex Crime Scandal; #BlackLivesMatter Activist: Oakland Needs to Name the 'Predatory' Cops Who Raped & Trafficked Girl; 'The Battle Has Just Started': Activists Denounce Police Killings & Crackdowns on Teachers in Oaxaca
125. Wednesday, June 22, 2016
event 2016-06-22
Headlines for June 22, 2016; Thomas Frank on Clinton & Democratic Establishment: What Ever Happened to the Party of the People; Meet the FBI Informant Who Organized Neo-Nazi Gathering Attended by Jo Cox Murder Suspect in 2000; After Decades of Protest, Last California Nuclear Plant to Close & Be Replaced by Renewable Energy
126. Thursday, June 23, 2016
event 2016-06-23
Headlines for June 23, 2016; 'Let Us Vote': Rep. John Lewis Leads Historic Democratic Sit-in for Gun Control Legislation; Democratic Effort to Tie Gun Purchase to Terror Watchlist: A First Step or a Dangerous Precedent; In Wake of Orlando, Florida Rep. Alan Grayson Revives Efforts to Implement Assault Weapons Ban; Daughter of Slain Virginia Tech Professor: We Must Address Our Nation's Gun Violence Epidemic; Colombia & FARC Agree to Ceasefire in Historic Peace Deal, Begin Long Process of Implementation
127. Friday, June 24, 2016
event 2016-06-24
Headlines for June 24, 2016; Brexit Debate: What Does Shocking Vote in UK Mean For Fight Against Neoliberalism; As SCOTUS Deadlocks on Obama's Immigration Plan, Immigrants 'Continue to Live in Daily Fear'; Undocumented Mother & U.S. Citizen Daughter Call on Obama to Stop Deportations Despite SCOTUS Ruling; SCOTUS Ruling on Race-Conscious College Admissions a Great Victory for Equal Educational Opportunity; Second Baltimore Officer in Freddie Gray Death Cleared of Depraved-Heart Murder & Rough Ride Charges
128. Monday, June 27, 2016
event 2016-06-27
Headlines for June 27, 2016; Making Sense of Brexit: Paul Mason on Britain's Growing Economic & Political Crisis; Trump Hails Brexit Vote: When the Pound Goes Down, More People Come to My Scottish Golf Course; 'My Four Months as a Private Prison Guard': Shane Bauer Goes Undercover to Expose Conditions
129. Tuesday, June 28, 2016
event 2016-06-28
Headlines for June 28, 2016; Plaintiff in SCOTUS Abortion Case Celebrates Historic Win But Says Struggle for Clinics Isn't Over; Jesse Williams' Powerful BET Awards Speech: 'We're Done Watching Whiteness Use and Abuse Us'; As Extreme Weather Sweeps Across U.S., Is New Democratic Platform on Climate Change Too Weak; California: Fires Burn at 'Exponential Rates' Amid Blistering Heat Wave and 5-Year Drought; Once-in-a-Thousand-Year Flooding Devastates West Virginia, Killing At Least 23
130. Wednesday, June 29, 2016
event 2016-06-29
Headlines for June 29, 2016; 'A Dark Day for the People of Puerto Rico': U.S. Senate Moves to OK 'Colonial Control Board'; Meet the Attorney Who Just Won the Historic Abortion Rights Case at the Supreme Court; Former Chilean Army Officer Found Liable for 1973 Murder of Víctor Jara After U.S.-Backed Coup; Who Is Getting Rich Off the $1.3 Trillion Student Debt Crisis
131. Thursday, June 30, 2016
event 2016-06-30
Headlines for June 30, 2016; Report from Istanbul: Uptick in Bombings Comes as Turkey Drifts Toward Islamist, Authoritarian Rule; 'A Classic State Capitalist': How Donald Trump Profited from Public Subsidies & Political Favors; Vice President's Daughter Karenna Gore Arrested in the Trenches of a Climate Protest; Tim DeChristopher Arrested Again in the 'Age of Anticipatory Mass Graves' for Climate Victims
132. Friday, July 1, 2016
event 2016-07-01
Headlines for July 01, 2016; Puerto Rico Debate: Is Debt Bill Dangerous Increase of Colonialism or Vital Protection from Wall St; Meet the Two Trans Women Making History as First to Win Major-Party Primary Elections
133. Monday, July 4, 2016
event 2016-07-04
'What to the Slave is 4th of July': James Earl Jones Reads Frederick Douglass' Historic Speech; Spoken Word Legend Saul Williams on Poetry, Art & Resistance; Jesse Williams' Powerful BET Awards Speech: 'We're Done Watching Whiteness Use and Abuse Us'
134. Tuesday, July 5, 2016
event 2016-07-05
Headlines for July 05, 2016; Trump's 'Greatest Mentor' was Red-Baiting Aide to Joseph McCarthy and Attorney for NYC Mob Families; How Donald Trump Threatened an Investigative Reporter, Attempting to Bribe Him with a Free Apartment; Wayne Barrett on Donald Trump's Broken Promises, Tax Returns & Potential VP Pick Chris Christie; As Workers at Trump's Taj Mahal Casino Go on Strike, a Look at Trump's Long History of Labor Abuse; Trump's Unofficial Biographer Wayne Barrett: 'The Way He Has Treated His Wives is Just Deplorable'; 'A Shocking Threat to the World': Biographer Wayne Barrett on Donald Trump
135. Wednesday, July 6, 2016
event 2016-07-06
Headlines for July 06, 2016; Iraqi Exile: U.K. Iraq Inquiry Confirms the War Was Based on a Lie; Tariq Ali on Chilcot Iraq Report: Tony Blair is a War Criminal for Pushing Us into Illegal War; Tariq Ramadan: Iraq War Waged for U.S. Economic Interests Has Destabilized All of Middle East; Tariq Ramadan on Medina Bombings: Saudi Regime is Not a Victim But Perpetrator of Regional Violence; U.S. Policies Have Not Changed: Banned Under Bush, Tariq Ramadan Speaks Out Against Obama & Clinton; After Siege of Dhaka Restaurant Kills 20, Bangladesh Confronts Threat to Secular Traditions
136. Thursday, July 7, 2016
event 2016-07-07
Headlines for July 07, 2016; 'You Shot Four Bullets Into Him, Sir': Girlfriend Livestreams Philando Castile's Death by Police; Alton Sterling, Father of Five, Murdered by Police Two Months After 'Blue Lives Matter' Bill Signed; Murderers With Badges, Licensed to Kill: Nation Reels from Alton Sterling's Death at Hands of Police; Marc Lamont Hill & Mychal Denzel Smith: We Must End State Violence Against Black Bodies
137. Friday, July 8, 2016
event 2016-07-08
Headlines for July 08, 2016; Dallas: Five Police Officers Shot Dead; Obama Condemns 'Vicious, Calculated and Despicable Attack'; Marc Lamont Hill: Dallas Shootings Can’t Deter Us From Continuing Movement Against State Violence; Baton Rouge NAACP President Demands Arrest Of Police Officers Who Killed Alton Sterling; 'They Are Here to Kill Us Because We Are Black': Girlfriend of Philando Castile On Police Shootings; Voices From the Streets: Thousands March in NYC Against Police Violence, 40 Arrested
138. Monday, July 11, 2016
event 2016-07-11
Headlines for July 11, 2016; As Protests Sweep Country, New Video Shows Off-Duty NY Cop Fatally Shooting Black Man Delrawn Small; Death, Abuse and Sexual Assault: The Horrific and Unregulated Private Prison Van Transport Business; Rep. Keith Ellison: Arrest the Officer Who Killed Philando Castile, He Has to Be Held Accountable
139. Tuesday, July 12, 2016
event 2016-07-12
Headlines for July 12, 2016; As Sanders Endorses Clinton, How Far Left Has He Pushed the Democratic Party Platform; Filmmaker Josh Fox: Sanders Pushed Party Platform to Left, But We Failed on TPP, Medicare, Gaza; 'Divergent' Star Shailene Woodley on Bernie Sanders, DNC Caravan & Speaking Out in Hollywood; Historian: 'You Can't Disconnect History of the 2nd Amendment From the History of White Supremacy'
140. Wednesday, July 13, 2016
event 2016-07-13
Headlines for July 13, 2016; Meet Abdullah Muflahi: He Filmed Alton Sterling Shooting & Was Then Detained by Baton Rouge Police; Police Arrest, Detain Air Force Vet for 26 Hours After He Posted Alton Sterling Shooting Video; Two Years After Eric Garner’s Death, Ramsey Orta, Who Filmed Police, Is Only One Heading to Jail
141. Thursday, July 14, 2016
event 2016-07-14
Headlines for July 14, 2016; Ex-Seattle Police Chief Condemns Systemic Police Racism Dating Back to Slave Patrols; Black Ohio Cop to Prejudiced White Officers: Take the Uniform Off and Put on KKK Hoodie; Ex-Seattle Police Chief Defends Citizens Filming Cops: It's 100 percent Lawful for an American to Do It; Black Father in Letter to His Son: 'I Thought of You When I Saw the Son of Alton Sterling Weeping'; Eddie Glaude & Son: Leave Ballots Blank, Because Voting for the Status Quo Threatens Our Lives
142. Friday, July 15, 2016
event 2016-07-15
Headlines for July 15, 2016; As Bastille Day Attack in France Kills 84, Is the War on Terror a 'Self-Fulfilling Prophecy'; Puerto Rico's Payday Loans: The Shocking Story Behind Wall Street's Role in Debt Crisis; Exclusive: Meet Yale Dishwasher Corey Menafee, Who Smashed Racist Stained-Glass Window; Craig Steven Wilder on How Georgetown & U.S. Catholic Church Expanded Thanks to Slave Holdings
143. Monday, July 18, 2016
event 2016-07-18
Headlines for July 18, 2016; Three Police Officers Shot Dead in Baton Rouge Two Weeks After Officers Killed Alton Sterling; Cornel West: Justice and Accountability are Necessary to End Tension over Killings by Police; Cornel West: Why I Endorse Green Party's Jill Stein Over 'Neoliberal Disaster' Hillary Clinton; Many Who Opposed Coup in Turkey Came Out in Support of Democratic Process, not the President; 'My Heart Aches': Sen. Nina Turner, from Family of Police Officers, Responds to Baton Rouge Attack; Kurdish Activist: Erdogan Should Be Pushed Out, But by the People, Not the Military; Medea Benjamin: Why Is Government Downplaying Saudi-9/11 Docs After Keeping Them Secret for Years; Meet the RNC Activists Questioned by Authorities Ahead of This Week's Convention; Dozens of Companies Withdraw Funding from RNC as Trump Headed to Nomination
144. Tuesday, July 19, 2016
event 2016-07-19
Headlines for July 19, 2016; RNC Descends into Chaos as 'Never Trump' Movement Attempts Revolt on Convention Floor; 'Never Trump' vs. Unite Behind the Candidate: A Debate on the Future of the Republican Party; GOP Delegate & Schoolteacher: Melania Trump Gets a 'Zero' for Plagiarizing Michelle Obama Speech; Third Officer Acquitted in Freddie Gray Death, But Activists Convicted for Protesting Killing; Prophets of Rage: Chuck D, Tom Morello Headline 'End Poverty' March Against Trump at RNC; Meet Trump VP Pick Mike Pence, Crusader Against Safe Legal Abortion and LGBTQ Rights; Bassem Youssef, 'The Jon Stewart of Egypt,' Moves to U.S. & Begins Satirizing Election Season
145. Wednesday, July 20, 2016
event 2016-07-20
Headlines for July 20, 2016; John Nichols: The GOP is More United in Disdain for Hillary Clinton Than in Support for Donald Trump; The Fall of Roger Ailes: Can Sexual Harassment Claims Oust the Biggest Man in Conservative Media; Ban Guns, Not Tennis Balls: As NRA Addresses RNC, CodePink Protests Ohio's Open-Carry Law; Debunking Republican Claims Linking Immigration to Crime; 'Wall Off Trump': Activists Erect Mock Wall Outside RNC to Protest GOP Border & Immigration Policy; Chris Christie Stages Mock Trial of Hillary Clinton Despite Corruption Charges Dogging His Own Staff; Meet the RNC Vendors Selling Trump Gear in Cleveland While Hoping He Loses the Election; Nina Turner: Killing of 12-Year-Old Tamir Rice Highlights Value Gap Between Black & White Lives; Black Activists Occupy Police Union Offices in NYC & D.C., Demand End to Protection for Brutal Cops; Meet the Student Fighting Case Western U. for Shutting Down Campus to House 1,900 Police Officers
146. Thursday, July 21, 2016
event 2016-07-21
Headlines for July 21, 2016; 'Grandiosity and Misogyny': Jeff Sharlet on 'Common Thread' Between Mike Pence & Donald Trump; The Odd Couple: While Trump Openly Cheated on Ex-Wife, Pence Called for Criminalizing Adultery; Have You Seen George W. Bush John Kasich John McCain Looking for the GOP No-Shows at the RNC; Activists Block RNC Entrance with Mock Border Wall So Trump's Hate 'Won't Reach Our Communities'; Did Donald Trump Pick Mike Pence to Appease the Koch Brothers & the Religious Right; Make America Straight Again A Debate on What Could Be the Most Anti-LGBT Republican Platform Ever; As the Number of Black GOP Delegates Falls to Historic Low, Meet a Few of the Only Ones Left; Pastor on Tamir Rice Shooting: Ohio is an Open-Carry State Except If You're an African-American Male
147. Friday, July 22, 2016
event 2016-07-22
Headlines for July 22, 2016; Classic Authoritarianism: In a Speech Filled with Fear & Xenophobia, Donald Trump Accepts Nomination; 'Build Bridges, Not Walls': Medea Benjamin on How She Disrupted Donald Trump's Speech; Muslims Debate Donald Trump, Immigration Ban and Islamophobia in Republican Party; 'We Have Crossed a New Threshold': Iraqi American Decries Trump's Open Islamophobia; A Tectonic Shift in Conservative World: Trump Accepts Nomination as Roger Ailes Ousted from Fox News; As RNC is Held in Quicken Loans Arena, Learn the Inside Story of Company’s Trumpian CEO Dan Gilbert; #CLEoverRNC: Protesters Expose Tale of Two Clevelands; How Can This Be Happening in America International Journalists Reflect on Rise of Donald Trump; Meet Peter Thiel: Trump Taps Billionaire Who Helped Bankrupt Gawker to Speak at RNC
148. Monday, July 25, 2016
event 2016-07-25
Headlines for July 25, 2016; EXCLUSIVE: WikiLeaks' Julian Assange on Releasing DNC Emails That Ousted Debbie Wasserman Schultz; Assange: Why I Created WikiLeaks' Searchable Database of 30,000 Emails from Clinton's Private Server; Julian Assange: Choosing Between Trump or Clinton is Like Picking Between Cholera or Gonorrhea; Clinton vs. Bernie Debate: As Turmoil Rocks Democratic Party, How Can Progressives Move Forward; Clinton Running Mate Tim Kaine Supported TPP, Offshore Drilling & Anti-Union Right-to-Work Measures; The Other Philadelphia: Inside the People's Fight Against Gentrification & Privatized Education; 'We Want to Stop Fracking Now': Up to 10,000 Rally on Eve of DNC to Demand Climate Justice; National Puerto Rican Agenda: New Group Forms to Address Island's Unprecedented Economic Crisis; Bernie Backers Speak Out: WikiLeaks DNC Emails Show Clinton Had Unfair Advantage from Day One
149. Tuesday, July 26, 2016
event 2016-07-26
Headlines for July 26, 2016; Chaos on Convention Floor: Protests, Boos and Chants of 'Bernie' Mark Opening of DNC; Jill Stein vs. Ben Jealous: Should Progressives Reject Hillary Clinton & Vote Green; 'It's a Sad Day for Many of Us': Bernie Delegates Boo Sanders After Endorsing Clinton; Who Should Bernie Voters Support Now Robert Reich vs. Chris Hedges on Tackling the Neoliberal Order
150. Wednesday, July 27, 2016
event 2016-07-27
Headlines for July 27, 2016; 'Biggest Crack in Glass Ceiling Yet': Clinton Becomes First Female Major-Party Presidential Nominee; Hundreds of Sanders Delegates Walk Off Convention Floor in Protest of 'Rigged' Election; 'It's a Bittersweet Time': Some Sanders Backers Stay Inside DNC, Now Plan to Support Hillary Clinton; Danny Glover & Rep. Luis Gutiérrez on Sanders, Clinton and the Long Arc of U.S. Movements; Watch the Full DNC Speeches of the Mothers of Sandra Bland, Jordan Davis, Trayvon Martin; Danny Glover & Bernie Delegate Larry Hamm: The Sanders Movement Must Stay Mobilized to Push Change; Mumia Abu-Jamal Calls from Prison to Comment on DNC, Black Lives Matter and Mass Incarceration
151. Thursday, July 28, 2016
event 2016-07-28
Headlines for July 28, 2016; President Obama Implores Nation to Vote for Hillary Clinton: 'Carry Her the Same Way You Carried Me'; 'No More War': Protesters Disrupt Ex-CIA Director Leon Panetta's DNC Speech; Michael Eric Dyson vs. Eddie Glaude on Race, Hillary Clinton and the Legacy of Obama's Presidency; Bill O'Reilly Claims Enslaved Africans Who Built White House Were 'Well Fed'; Dyson & Glaude Respond; As All Charges Dropped in Freddie Gray's Death: Baltimore Mayor Says Reform Doesn't Hang on Verdicts; After Debbie Wasserman Schultz's Ouster, We Speak with Her DNC Replacement Mayor Rawlings-Blake; Will Hillary Clinton Flip-Flop Again on TPP After Election Day We Ask Her Adviser Joseph Stiglitz
152. Friday, July 29, 2016
event 2016-07-29
Headlines for July 29, 2016; Hillary Clinton Becomes First Woman to Accept Major-Party Presidential Nomination in U.S. History; California Delegates Walk Off the Floor of DNC in Protest of Hillary Clinton's Nomination; As Hillary Clinton Accepts Democratic Nomination, Hundreds Protest Outside Convention Arena; Kshama Sawant vs. Rebecca Traister on Clinton, Democratic Party & Possibility of a Female President; Hillary Clinton Accepts Historic Nomination, Says Election is a 'Moment of Reckoning'; Rev. William Barber at the DNC: We Need to Revive the Heart of Our Democracy; The DNC Protests You Didn't See on TV: Sanders Delegates Chant and Walk Out on Clinton Speech; Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor vs. Janaye Ingram on Hillary Clinton, Racial Justice & the Democratic Party; 'Eat, Pray, Starve': Greg Grandin on Tim Kaine, Hillary Clinton & the U.S. Role in Honduras
153. Monday, August 1, 2016
event 2016-08-01
Headlines for August 01, 2016; Courts Strike Down Voter Restriction Laws That Target African Americans with 'Surgical Precision'; Society Is Failing Our Families: Sister Simone Campbell on Inequality, Donald Trump & Women's Health; Trump Attacks Muslim Mother of Slain U.S. Soldier in Comments 'Beyond Limit of Human Decency'
154. Tuesday, August 2, 2016
event 2016-08-02
Headlines for August 02, 2016; 'All He Has is a Toy Truck': The Shocking Police Shooting of Therapist Caring for Autistic Patient; Movement for Black Lives Calls for Reparations & 'End to War Against Black People'; 'Stop the Cops & Fund Black Futures': Voices from First Day of New York City Hall Park Occupation; Section 60: 2008 Film Captures Khizr & Ghazala Khan Mourning Son in Arlington National Cemetery; The Never-Ending War: U.S. Announces New Front Against ISIS in Libya
155. Wednesday, August 3, 2016
event 2016-08-03
Headlines for August 03, 2016; Amid City Hall Protests, NYPD Chief Bill Bratton Resigns, But 'Broken Windows' Continues Nationwide; NYPD Chief Bill Bratton's Next Stop: Private Consulting Firm Tied to the Clintons; 'When You Dial 911 and Wall Street Answers': How Private Equity Profits off Our Daily Lives; Chelsea Manning Faces Indefinite Solitary Confinement & Extra Prison Time After Suicide Attempt
156. Thursday, August 4, 2016
event 2016-08-04
Headlines for August 04, 2016; Chris Hedges vs. Robert Reich on Clinton, Third Parties, Capitalism & Next Steps for Sanders Backers; First Evidence Surfaces of Foreign Money Pouring into U.S. Elections After Citizens United
157. Friday, August 5, 2016
event 2016-08-05
Headlines for August 05, 2016; 30 Years of 'Doonesbury' on Donald Trump: Cartoonist Garry Trudeau on the GOP's 'Natural Born Toon'; Brazil's Dance with the Devil: 2016 Rio Olympics Begin with Government Dysfunction & Police Violence; Dave Zirin: Protests by Athletes and Displaced Rio Residents Accompany Opening of 2016 Olympic Games
158. Monday, August 8, 2016
event 2016-08-08
Headlines for May 02, 2016; RIP Father Daniel Berrigan: Remembering the Life and Legacy of the Antiwar Priest & Poet; 'It was the Happiest Day of My Life': Martin Sheen Recalls His Arrest Alongside Father Dan Berrigan; Dan Berrigan in His Own Words: Antiwar Priest Speaks About 9/11 in Democracy Now! Studios in 2002; In 2006 Interview, Fr. Dan Berrigan Recalls Confronting Defense Secretary McNamara over Vietnam War; 'His World Was Always Filled with Such Beauty': Frida Berrigan on Her Uncle, Priest Daniel Berrigan; Friends Remember Fr. Dan Berrigan: 'He Said He Didn't Believe in Heroes, He Believed in Community'; 'The Cause is the Heart's Beat': See Father Berrigan Recite His Poem 'Some' in 2006
159. Tuesday, August 9, 2016
event 2016-08-09
Headlines for August 09, 2016; Pakistan Mourns After Bombing at Hospital Kills At Least 74, Including Dozens of Lawyers; Meet Jacqui Maxwell, the UAW Autoworker Who Interrupted Trump's Economic Speech in Detroit; Matt Taibbi: Trump's All White Male Economic Team Includes 'Financial Crisis Villain' John Paulson; Matt Taibbi on Libor, Cartel-Style Finance & How Failure to Fix Wall St. Has Propelled Trump's Rise; Handcuffed While Dying: Police Killing of Black Teenager Paul O'Neal Sparks Protests in Chicago; Murdered by a SWAT Team for Traffic Tickets: Inside the Police Killing of Black Mother Korryn Gaines
160. Wednesday, August 10, 2016
event 2016-08-10
Headlines for August 10, 2016; Donald Trump Under Fire After Hinting Gun Owners Could Assassinate Hillary Clinton; 'The Making of Donald Trump': David Cay Johnston on Trump's Ties to the Mob & Drug Traffickers; 'Olympic Pride, American Prejudice': How 18 Black Olympians Defied Jim Crow & Hitler in 1936; After Being Denied Parole 10 Times, Elderly Prisoner Allegedly Commits Suicide at Fishkill Prison
161. Thursday, August 11, 2016
event 2016-08-11
Headlines for August 11, 2016; Racist & Illegal: Justice Department Slams Baltimore Police for Targeting Black Residents; Baltimore Residents from Rep. Elijah Cummings to Local Activist Speak Out on Being Stopped by Police; Crisis Engulfs Fox News as Roger Ailes Sexual Harassment & Spying Scandal Grows; How Did Susan Estrich Go from Feminist Icon & Roger Ailes Foe to His Attorney in Harassment Case
162. Friday, August 12, 2016
event 2016-08-12
Headlines for August 12, 2016; Did Companies & Countries Buy State Dept. Access by Donating to Clinton Foundation; Donald Trump Claims Obama & Clinton Founded ISIS, But Bush Negotiated U.S. Withdrawal from Iraq; 'Fractured Lands: How the Arab World Came Apart': NYT Mag Examines Region Since 2003 U.S. Invasion
163. Monday, August 15, 2016
event 2016-08-15
Headlines for August 15, 2016; 'This is the Madness They Spark': Uprising in Milwaukee After Police Kill 23-Year-Old Black Man; African-American Women Make Olympic History by Winning Gold in Swimming, Gymnastics & Shot Put; Meet American Olympian Anthony Ervin: The Oldest-Ever Individual Olympic Swimming Gold Medalist; Muhammad U.S.A.: First American Olympian to Wear a Hijab Wins Bronze Medal
164. Tuesday, August 16, 2016
event 2016-08-16
Headlines for August 16, 2016; 'Extreme Vetting': Trump Vows Ideological Test for Immigrants & Return to McCarthy-Era Repression; Matt Taibbi on Trump's Position on NATO, Russia & his Campaign Head's $13 Million Scandal in Ukraine; 'What Would She Do in Iraq': As Clinton Slams Trump for ISIS Speech, We Look at Her Own Positions; Writer Jesse Washington & Olympian Anthony Ervin on Michael Jordan, Muhammad Ali & Race at Olympics
165. Wednesday, August 17, 2016
event 2016-08-17
Headlines for August 17, 2016; Ten Times Worse Than Hell: A Syrian Doctor on the Humanitarian Catastrophe in Aleppo; Why Did Clinton Just Tap a Pro-TPP, Pro-KXL, Pro-Fracking Politician to Head Her Transition Team; Danny Glover & Larry Hamm on Black Lives Matter, Police Killings & How to Stop Donald Trump
166. Thursday, August 18, 2016
event 2016-08-18
Headlines for August 18, 2016; Open Up the Debates: Green Party's Jill Stein Accuses Democrats & GOP of Rigging Debate Rules; Meet Ajamu Baraka: Green VP Candidate Aims to Continue the Legacy of W.E.B. Du Bois & Malcolm X; Green Party's Jill Stein: U.S. Should Stop Funding Israel & Saudi Arabia; Stein & Baraka to Bernie Sanders Supporters: Vote Green & Abandon the Party of War and Wall Street; Stopping the Snake: Indigenous Protesters Shut Down Construction of Dakota Access Pipeline
167. Friday, August 19, 2016
event 2016-08-19
Headlines for August 19, 2016; In Historic Shift, U.S. Government to End Use of Deadly, Costly, Negligent Private Prisons; Private Prisons May Be Phased Out, But Industry Leaves Trail of Bodies from Medical Neglect & Abuses; As Feds Close Prisons Run by Private Companies, Will They Do Same for Immigrant Detention Centers; Former Iran Hostage Shane Bauer: Claim That $400M U.S. Paid to Iran was Ransom Deal is 'Absurd'; Dave Zirin: Brazilians are Fed Up with U.S. Olympian Ryan Lochte and Privileged First-World Tourists
168. Monday, August 22, 2016
event 2016-08-22
Headlines for August 22, 2016; As Kerry Plans to Visit Saudi Arabia, Activists & NGOs Demand U.S. Stop Funding War Crimes in Yemen; 'This is Our War & It is Shameful:' Journalist Andrew Cockburn on the U.S. Role in the War in Yemen; A Shocking Story of How a Chicago Cop Killed a Teen - Then Locked Up His Best Friend for the Murder
169. Tuesday, August 23, 2016
event 2016-08-23
Headlines for August 23, 2016; Standing Rock Sioux Chairman: Dakota Access Pipeline 'Is Threatening the Lives of My Tribe'; Native Activist Winona LaDuke: Pipeline Company Enbridge Has No Right to Destroy Our Future; Hate Crime in Tulsa: Khalid Jabara's Family Speaks Out After His Murder by Racist White Neighbor; Father of Muslim Women Murdered in Chapel Hill to Jabara Family: 'I Know How You Feel'
170. Wednesday, August 24, 2016
event 2016-08-24
Headlines for August 24, 2016; Day After Obama Tours Louisiana Flood Damage, Gov't Holds Massive Gulf Oil & Gas Lease Auction; Climate Study: By 2085 All U.S. Cities Except San Francisco Will Be Too Hot to Host Summer Olympics; Inaction on Climate Change Could Cost Millennials $8.8 Trillion in Lifetime Income; Embracing the Alt-Right: New Trump Campaign Chief 'Created an Online Haven for White Nationalists'
171. Thursday, August 25, 2016
event 2016-08-25
Headlines for August 25, 2016; Weapons, Pipelines & Wall St: Did Clinton Foundation Donations Impact Clinton State Dept. Decisions; Debate: Should the Clinton Foundation Be Shut Down If Hillary Clinton Wins; 'Our Revolution' Bernie Sanders Launches New Organization, But Key Staffers Quit in Protest
172. Friday, August 26, 2016
event 2016-08-26
Headlines for August 26, 2016; Vijay Prashad: Turkey's Offensive Against ISIS & Press Crackdown is Really Just War on Kurds; Regime Change in Libya Mirrors Iraq: Both Efforts Led to Failed States & Destabilized Region; Vijay Prashad: Hillary Clinton Shows Dangerous Tendency to Go to War No Matter the Consequences; Yemen & Palestine: Vijay Prashad on the Two 'Ruthless' Bombing Campaigns; Vijay Prashad on India's Crackdown in Kashmir: 'If This is Not an Occupation, What Else is It'; 'Cataclysmic Carousel of Greed': Oscar-Winning Actress Emma Thompson on Oil Drilling in Arctic; Actress Emma Thompson: Donald Trump is a White Nationalist Like Brexit Politician Nigel Farage
173. Monday, August 29, 2016
event 2016-08-29
Headlines for August 29, 2016; Complete Reversal of Democracy: Glenn Greenwald on Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff's Impeachment; As Bernie Sanders Condemns 'Coup' in Brazil, Why Have Obama & Clinton Been So Silent; Greenwald: 'Why Did Saudi Regime & Other Gulf Tyrannies Donate Millions to Clinton Foundation'; Greenwald: Journalists Should Not Stop Scrutinizing Clinton Just Because Trump is Unfit for Office; Greenwald: The Olympics May Be Over, But the Anger, Disillusionment Among Brazilians Remains High
174. Tuesday, August 30, 2016
event 2016-08-30
Headlines for August 30, 2016; Our Children's Lives Depend on This Drug: A Mother's Plea to CEO After EpiPen Price Jumped 400 percent; Why Are We Paying $300 for an EpiPen That Holds Only $1 Worth of Medicine; Debate: Is Recalling Judge Persky a Victory for Sexual Assault Survivors or a Dangerous Precedent; Could the Presidential Election Be Hacked FBI 'Flash' Alert Urges States to Bolster Security
175. Wednesday, August 31, 2016
event 2016-08-31
Headlines for August 31, 2016; Hero or Murderer 15-Year-Old Bresha Meadows Faces Life in Prison for Killing Abusive Father; Florida State Attorney Who Oversaw Trayvon Martin & Marissa Alexander Cases Is Defeated in Primary; Sens. McCain & Rubio Beat Pro-Trump Challengers; Wasserman Schultz Survives Primary; Glenn Greenwald: Obama Has Bombed 7 Nations, But Clinton Claims He Has Not Been Militaristic Enough; A New McCarthyism: Greenwald on Clinton Camp's Attempts to Link Trump, Stein & WikiLeaks to Russia
176. Thursday, September 1, 2016
event 2016-09-01
Headlines for September 01, 2016; Trump's Wall is Tantamount to Act of War: Outrage in Mexico as President Peña Nieto Meets with Trump; 'Our Culture Will Prevail Against Hatred': Arizona Activist Responds to Trump's Immigration Speech; Dilma Rousseff on Ouster: This is a Coup That Will Impact Every Democratic Organization in Brazil; Protests Erupt in San Juan as Obama Forms Unelected Control Board to Run Puerto Rico
177. Friday, September 2, 2016
event 2016-09-02
Headlines for September 02, 2016; Historic Colombian Peace Deal Must Include Women, Address Sexual Crimes on Both Sides, Say Advocates; Is an Arkansas Town Operating a 'Hot Check' Court as an Illegal Debtors' Prison; The Criminalization of Poverty: Woman Describes Fines & Arrests After $1.07 Check Bounces; Judge Denies Hepatitis C Cure for Mumia Abu-Jamal, But Finds Lack of Care in Prison Unconstitutional
178. Monday, September 5, 2016
event 2016-09-05
Democracy Now! Monday, September 5, 2016
179. Tuesday, September 6, 2016
event 2016-09-06
Headlines for September 06, 2016; FULL Exclusive Report: Dakota Access Pipeline Co. Attacks Native Americans with Dogs & Pepper Spray; Standing Rock Sioux Chairman Calls for Investigation of Dog Attacks on Native American Protesters; Did the Dakota Access Pipeline Company Deliberately Destroy Sacred Sioux Burial Sites; Canine Expert Decries 'Egregious' & 'Horrific' Dog Attacks on Native Americans Defending Burial Site; New Investigation Names Wall Street Banks Behind $3.8 Billion Dakota Access Pipeline
180. Wednesday, September 7, 2016
event 2016-09-07
Headlines for September 07, 2016; Standing Rock Sioux Tribe's Lawyer: Judge's Ruling Allows Dakota Access to 'Desecrate' Sacred Ground; Water Protectors Lock Their Bodies to Machines to Stop Dakota Access Pipeline Construction; Eminent Domain Iowans Sue to Stop Dakota Access Pipeline, Say It Provides No Public Service; Exclusive: Migrant Mother Says She Was Pushed to End Hunger Strike to Win Release from Detention; Trauma, Then More Trauma: How Long is Too Long for Immigrant Children to Be Detained; Activists Sit In at Sen. Kaine's Office to Demand Release of Families Detained at Berks for 1+ Year
181. Thursday, September 8, 2016
event 2016-09-08
Headlines for September 08, 2016; 'Millions of People in Laos Still Live in Fear' as Obama Pledges $90 Million to Clean Up U.S. Bombs; Leading Economists Oppose TPP Provision Giving Corporations Upper Hand in Investor-State Disputes; Standing Rock Sioux Historian: Dakota Access Co. Attack Comes on Anniversary of Whitestone Massacre
182. Friday, September 9, 2016
event 2016-09-09
Headlines for September 09, 2016; National Guard on Standby in North Dakota Before Court Ruling on Dakota Access Pipeline; Who Is Funding the Dakota Access Pipeline Bank of America, HSBC, UBS, Goldman Sachs, Wells Fargo; Nationwide Prison Strike Launches in 24 States and 40 Facilities over Conditions & Forced Labor; 45 Years After Legendary Attica Prison Uprising, New Book Reveals State Role in Deadly Standoff
183. Monday, September 12, 2016
event 2016-09-12
Headlines for September 12, 2016; Water Protectors at Standing Rock React to Obama's Intervention in Dakota Access Pipeline Battle; In Dramatic Reversal, White House Halts Dakota Access Pipeline Construction Under Missouri River; Native American Activist Winona LaDuke at Standing Rock: It's Time to Move On from Fossil Fuels; Lakota Activist Debra White Plume from Pine Ridge: Why I am a Water Protector at Standing Rock
184. Tuesday, September 13, 2016
event 2016-09-13
Headlines for September 13, 2016; 'Everything Was Cut Immediately': LIU Faculty and Students Protest Lockout & Class Cancellations; Rep. Barbara Lee: Repeal 9/11 Authorization for Use of Force to Cancel Blank Check for Endless War; Rep. Barbara Lee on Hillary Clinton's Health: Transparency is Important, But We Need to Move Forward; Lawyer for Imprisoned Whistleblower Chelsea Manning: Ongoing Pattern of Abuse Led to Hunger Strike; North Carolina Sees Economic Fallout from Anti-LGBT Law as NCAA Moves Championships Out of the State; ACLU Attorney: Growing Number of Murders of Trans Women Can't Be Separated from Anti-Trans Laws
185. Wednesday, September 14, 2016
event 2016-09-14
Headlines for September 14, 2016; Oliver Stone & Joseph Gordon-Levitt on Making New Film 'Snowden,' Humanizing World's Most Wanted Man; 'Pardon Snowden' Campaign Launches, Led by ACLU, Amnesty & Human Rights Watch; Obama's War on Whistleblowers Forced Edward Snowden to Release Documents, Says WikiLeaks Editor; Is Hillary Clinton's Criticism of Edward Snowden a Distraction from Real Issue of Surveillance
186. Thursday, September 15, 2016
event 2016-09-15
Headlines for September 15, 2016; Debate: Should Obama Pardon NSA Whistleblower Edward Snowden; What Would Happen to NSA Whistleblower Edward Snowden If He Is Tried Under the Espionage Act; U.S. Foreign Policy for Sale Behind the Trump Organization’s Vast Financial Network
187. Friday, September 16, 2016
event 2016-09-16
Headlines for September 16, 2016; Exclusive Video: Ex-Gitmo Prisoner Dhiab Awakes from Coma in Uruguay; 'Because Scott Walker Asked': Leaked Docs Suggest Wisconsin Gov Illegally Raised Corporate Donations; Will SCOTUS Let Investigation Continue into Alleged Illegal Fundraising by Republican Scott Walker; Hit Man Recalls Violent Past of Philippine President as Wave of Killings Raises Human Rights Concerns; StoryCorps Launches #WhoWeAre Oral History Campaign to Feature Stories of Hope & Compassion
188. Monday, September 19, 2016
event 2016-09-19
Headlines for September 19, 2016; Two-Party Tyranny: Ralph Nader on Exclusion of Third-Party Candidates from First Presidential Debate; A Debate on Empire: Is Donald Trump One Terrorist Attack Away from the Presidency; Ralph Nader: Bernie Sanders' Opposition to Third Parties is Why His Movement is in Disarray; Nader: Trump is a Freeloading, Pontificating Empty Suit Who Has Cheated on Everything He's Done; Ralph Nader: Calling a Third-Party Candidate a 'Spoiler' is a 'Politically Bigoted Word'; 50 Years After Vehicle Safety Victory, Ralph Nader Talks 'Silent Violence' by Corporations
189. Tuesday, September 20, 2016
event 2016-09-20
Headlines for September 20, 2016; U.S. Muslims Fear Hate Crimes & Overreaction by Law Enforcement in Wake of Chelsea Bombing; Could Cellphone Alerts Used to Search for New York Bombing Suspect Open Door for Attacks on Muslims; Large Somali-American Community in St. Cloud Concerned About Backlash After Knife Attack; Professor Calls for Fighting Systemic Ignorance That Leads to Islamophobia in the Classroom; Calls to Treat Terror Suspects as 'Enemy Combatants' Push U.S. Toward Totalitarianism
190. Wednesday, September 21, 2016
event 2016-09-21
Headlines for September 21, 2016; Protests Erupt over Police Killings of Terence Crutcher & Keith Lamont Scott in Tulsa & Charlotte; U.N. Summit for Refugees & Migrants Creates New Urgency for Global Crisis of 65 Million Displaced; Holocaust Survivor: Trump Jr.'s Skittles Comment Brings Back Dark Images of Children Murdered in WWII; Did Obama Host a Summit on Migrants While Ignoring a Refugee Crisis in the U.S.'s Own Backyard
191. Thursday, September 22, 2016
event 2016-09-22
Headlines for September 22, 2016; State of Emergency: Charlotte NAACP & Protesters Demand Police Release Video of Keith Scott Shooting; Protests Call for Arrest of Tulsa Police Officer Betty Shelby for Fatal Shooting of Terence Crutcher; Tulsa Still Faces Historical Trauma from 1921 Riot That Left 300 Dead on Black Wall Street; Rashad Robinson: Let's Implement Stop-and-Frisk on White Billionaires Like Trump; Connecticut State Troopers Unwittingly Film Themselves Fabricating Charges Against Protester
192. Friday, September 23, 2016
event 2016-09-23
Headlines for September 23, 2016; Moral Mondays Leader Rev. Barber: Release Video of Keith Scott Shooting, It Belongs to the Public; Protests over Tulsa & Charlotte Police Killings Stem from Economic Policies That Perpetuate Racism; Sen. Warren Calls for Wells Fargo CEO to Resign & Face Investigation Amid Growing Scandal
193. Monday, September 26, 2016
event 2016-09-26
Headlines for September 26, 2016; Keith Lamont Scott's Wife is Latest Black Woman Forced to Film State Violence Against a Partner; Activism Works: Charlotte Police Release Dashboard & Body Camera Video in Keith Lamont Scott Killing; Marc Lamont Hill Responds to Trump: 'We Can't Arrest Our Way Out of a Problem of State Violence'; Exclusive: Freed Gitmo Prisoner Jihad Abu Wa'el Dhiab Speaks as Pres. Candidates to Debate Terrorism; Lawyer for Gitmo Prisoners Released to Uruguay: They Haven't Seen Their Families in 15 Years
194. Tuesday, September 27, 2016
event 2016-09-27
Headlines for September 27, 2016; Outside First Presidential Debate, 24 Arrested at Protests & Jill Stein Escorted Away by Police; Expanding the Debate: Jill Stein 'Debates' Clinton & Trump in Democracy Now! Special - Part 1; Expanding the Debate: Jill Stein Spars with Clinton & Trump in Democracy Now! Special - Part 2
195. Wednesday, September 28, 2016
event 2016-09-28
Headlines for September 28, 2016; Alabama Guards Stage Work Strike Months After Prisoner Uprising at Overcrowded Holman Facility; Hunger Strikes, Marches & Work Stoppages: Unprecedented National Prison Strike Enters Third Week; 'I Called You to Help Me, But You Killed My Brother': Police Shoot Dead Unarmed African-American Man; What Drives Trump Supporters: Sociologist Arlie Russell Hochschild on Anger & Mourning of the Right
196. Thursday, September 29, 2016
event 2016-09-29
Headlines for September 29, 2016; Protests Continue in San Diego After Police Kill Mentally Ill, Unarmed Ugandan Refugee Alfred Olango; California Cop Who Shot Unarmed Black Man Was Demoted in 2015 for Sexually Harassing Female Officer; Study: People with Mental Illness are 16 Times More Likely to Be Killed During a Police Encounter; Worse Than a Slaughterhouse: 250,000 Trapped in East Aleppo Amid Devastating Bombing Campaign
197. Friday, September 30, 2016
event 2016-09-30
Headlines for September 30, 2016; As Earth Reaches Frightening CO2 Milestone, Bill McKibben Calls for War on Climate Change; Bill McKibben: Dakota Access Pipeline Resistance Powerful Enough to Overwhelm Fossil Fuel Industry; Medea Benjamin: If Americans Can Sue Saudis over 9/11, Drone Victims Should Be Able to Sue U.S.; Report: Donald Trump Violated US Embargo on Cuba in 1990s Even as He Called Castro a Brutal Dictator
198. Monday, October 3, 2016
event 2016-10-03
Headlines for October 03, 2016; Colombians Reject Peace Deal in Stunning Referendum, Advocates Cite Climate of 'Intimidation & Fear'; From Slavery to Mass Incarceration, Ava DuVernay's Film '13th' Examines Racist U.S. Justice System; Advocates: The U.S. Still Profits from Slavery Because the 13th Amendment Perpetuates Prison Labor; How ALEC & the Kochs Publicly Back Criminal Justice Reform & Privately Expand Mass Incarceration; What are the Ties Between Dakota Access Pipeline Company & North Dakota's Attorney General
199. Tuesday, October 4, 2016
event 2016-10-04
Headlines for October 04, 2016; Does Donald Trump Pay Taxes Records Given to NYT Show How He May Have Avoided Taxes for 18 Years; A Trump Presidency Could End Press Freedom, Say Reporters Threatened for Reporting on His Taxes
200. Wednesday, October 5, 2016
event 2016-10-05
Headlines for October 05, 2016; Expanding the Debate: Green Ajamu Baraka 'Debates' Pence & Kaine in Democracy Now! Special - Part 1; Allan Nairn: Regardless of Who Wins in November, U.S. Wars & Aggression Will Continue; Katherine Franke on How Religion Impacts Views of VP Nominees Mike Pence & Tim Kaine; Expanding the Debate: Ajamu Baraka Spars with Pence & Kaine in Democracy Now! Special - Part 2; Andrew Bacevich: Election Pits Hawkish Clinton vs. Ill-Prepared, 'Strategically Illiterate' Trump
201. Thursday, October 6, 2016
event 2016-10-06
Headlines for October 06, 2016; Amid Media Blackout over Climate Change Links to Hurricane Matthew, Top Scientist Speaks Out; Scientist Michael Mann: Trump & Pence are a Climate Change Denial Dream Team; 'America Divided': New TV Series Explores Inequality from Water to Housing to Mass Incarceration
202. Friday, October 7, 2016
event 2016-10-07
Headlines for October 07, 2016; Edwidge Danticat Predicts 'Ongoing Disaster' in Impoverished Haiti After Hurricane Matthew; As Hurricane Matthew Lashes U.S., Are TV Networks the Last Bastion of Climate Denial; Reporter Cracks Serial Killer Cold Case After Receiving a Tip Based on His Democracy Now! Interview; Colombian President Wins Nobel Prize for Peace Accord, Days After Deal Loses National Referendum
203. Monday, October 10, 2016
event 2016-10-10
Headlines for October 10, 2016; In Shocking Tape Trump Boasts of Sexually Assaulting Women: 'When You're a Star…You Can Do Anything'; Expanding the Debate: Jill Stein 'Debates' Clinton & Trump in Democracy Now! Special - Part 1; Expanding the Debate: Jill Stein Spars with Clinton & Trump in Democracy Now! Special - Part 2
204. Tuesday, October 11, 2016
event 2016-10-11
Headlines for October 11, 2016; 1 Million in Haiti Urgently Need Humanitarian Assistance After Hurricane's 'Apocalyptic Destruction'; Bill Clinton's Trade Policies Destroyed Haitian Rice Farming, Now Haiti Faces Post-Hurricane Famine; U.S.-Backed Saudi Forces Bomb Yemeni Funeral, Killing 140, Injuring 500 in Possible War Crime; Obama Is Killing Yemen: A Yemeni Journalist Speaks Out After U.S.-Backed Bombing Strikes Funeral; 'All the President's Misogynists': Jodi Jacobson on Why It Took So Long to Derail the Trump Train
205. Wednesday, October 12, 2016
event 2016-10-12
Headlines for October 12, 2016; Leaked Hillary Clinton Emails: Could Bernie Sanders Have Won Primary If Leak Occurred Earlier; Climate Direct Action: Activists Halt Flow of Tar Sands Oil by Shutting Off Valves of Five Pipelines; Will Racist, Anti-Immigrant Trump Supporter Sheriff Joe Arpaio Be Jailed for Contempt of Court; Women's Boat to Gaza: 13 Activists Detained by Israel, Weeks After U.S. OKs $38B in Military Aid
206. Thursday, October 13, 2016
event 2016-10-13
Headlines for October 13, 2016; The White Helmets: As Syria Death Toll Mounts, Meet the Rescue Workers Saving Thousands of Lives; Surviving Torture in a CIA Secret Prison: Khaled al-Sharif of Libya Recounts Horrors; Journalist James Risen: CIA Torture Methods Caused Long-Term Psychological Harm to Former Prisoners
207. Friday, October 14, 2016
event 2016-10-14
Headlines for October 14, 2016; Central Park Five's Yusef Salaam: Donald Trump Needs to Be Fired from Running for President; ACLU & HRW Call to Decriminalize Drug Use & Possession After Documenting Arrests Every 25 Seconds; Is Trump's Rise a Result of America Declaring War on Institutions That Make Democracy Possible
208. Monday, October 17, 2016
event 2016-10-17
Headlines for October 17, 2016; Amy Goodman Broadcasts from North Dakota Across from Court Where She Faces Riot Charge Today; Report from Standing Rock: 100+ Militarized Police Deployed Against Native American Water Protectors; Standing Rock Sioux Tribe Chair: Obama's Legacy Rests on Whether He Stops Dakota Access Pipeline; Dakota Excess Pipeline Standing Rock Protectors Strip-Searched, Jailed for Days on Minor Charges
209. Tuesday, October 18, 2016
event 2016-10-18
Headlines for October 18, 2016; Press Freedom Victory: Riot Charges Dropped Against Amy Goodman Over Dakota Pipeline Coverage; 'We're Going to Call That a Win': Water Protectors Promise More Protests as Felony Charges Dropped; Why Is North Dakota Strip-Searching Dakota Access Pipeline Protesters Charged with Misdemeanors; Standing Rock Sioux Pediatrician: Threat from Fracking Chemicals is 'Environmental Genocide'; Midwives at Dakota Access Resistance Camps: We Can Decolonize, Respect Women & Mother Earth; Charges Dropped Against Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe Member; Surveillance of DAPL Resistance Continues
210. Wednesday, October 19, 2016
event 2016-10-19
Headlines for October 19, 2016; 'Ramshackle' Battle to Retake Mosul from ISIS Led by U.S. Despite Obama Vow Against Boots on Ground; The Real Vote Rigging: Republicans Make It Harder for Millions to Vote in 2016 Election; 'The Police Killings No One Is Talking About': Native Americans Most Likely to be Killed by Cops
211. Thursday, October 20, 2016
event 2016-10-20
Headlines for October 20, 2016; 'I'll Keep You in Suspense': Trump Refuses to Say He Will Accept Election Results; Trump Says Appointing Anti-Choice Judges Will 'Automatically' Overturn Roe v. Wade If He's Elected; 'All Fiction': Trump Dismisses Claims of Accusers, Saying They Want 'Fame' & Work for Clinton; Green Party's Jill Stein on 'Donald Trump's Psychosis and Hillary Clinton's Distortions'; Chris Hedges vs. Eddie Glaude: Should Progressives Vote for Hillary Clinton or Jill Stein; In Final Debate, Trump Pledges to Deport 'Bad Hombres,' Calls Clinton 'A Nasty Woman'; Trump Calls Clinton Foundation 'Criminal Enterprise' & Denounces Haiti Earthquake Response; In Warmest Year Ever, Climate Change Ignored Again at Debate; Historian Eric Foner: Trump is Logical Conclusion of What the GOP Has Been Doing for Decades; Bruce Springsteen: Donald Trump is a 'Flagrant, Toxic Narcissist'; From Palestine to Black Lives Matter: Alicia Garza & Phyllis Bennis on Issues Ignored at the Debates
212. Friday, October 21, 2016
event 2016-10-21
Headlines for October 21, 2016; Chicago Cops Who Broke 'Code of Silence' to Report Police Drug Gang Face Deadly Retaliation; New York Mayor Apologizes for Police Killing of Mentally Ill Woman, But Will Accountability Follow; Shaun King on Colin Kaepernick: He is Enormously Courageous and Has Sparked a Movement Among Athletes; Former Bernie Sanders Supporter Shaun King Now Backs Hillary Clinton, Says She Has 'Evolved'; Shaun King: Black Lives Matter is Not a Carbon Copy of Black Panther Party, Our Time is Different
213. Monday, October 24, 2016
event 2016-10-24
Headlines for October 24, 2016; Standing Rock: Police Arrest 120+ Water Protectors as Dakota Access Speeds Up Pipeline Construction; North Dakota: Water Protectors Erect New Frontline Camp Directly in Path of Dakota Access Pipeline; Actor Shailene Woodley on Her Arrest, Strip Search and Dakota Access Pipeline Resistance; Meet the Journalist Facing 45 Years in Jail for Filming Tar Sands Pipeline Protest in North Dakota; Josh Fox: Arrest of Journalists and Filmmakers Covering the Dakota Pipeline is a Threat to Democracy; Legendary Antiwar Activist and SDS Organizer Tom Hayden Dies at 76
214. Tuesday, October 25, 2016
event 2016-10-25
Headlines for October 24, 2016; Standing Rock: Police Arrest 120+ Water Protectors as Dakota Access Speeds Up Pipeline Construction; North Dakota: Water Protectors Erect New Frontline Camp Directly in Path of Dakota Access Pipeline; Actor Shailene Woodley on Her Arrest, Strip Search and Dakota Access Pipeline Resistance; Meet the Journalist Facing 45 Years in Jail for Filming Tar Sands Pipeline Protest in North Dakota; Josh Fox: Arrest of Journalists and Filmmakers Covering the Dakota Pipeline is a Threat to Democracy; Legendary Antiwar Activist and SDS Organizer Tom Hayden Dies at 76
215. Wednesday, October 26, 2016
event 2016-10-26
Headlines for October 26, 2016; Surviving Members of Angola 3 on Black Panther Legacy & Need to Free Remaining Imprisoned Panthers; Exclusive: Freed Panther Sekou Odinga on Joining the Panthers, COINTELPRO & Assata Shakur's Escape; Political Prisoner Eddie Conway on Joining the Black Panthers & How He Was Set Up by COINTELPRO; 'Treat Them Like the Heroes They Are': Fmr. Black Panthers Call for Release of Those Still Locked Up
216. Thursday, October 27, 2016
event 2016-10-27
Headlines for October 27, 2016; Bassam Haddad: We Have a Duty to Call for End to Killing in Syria & How We End It Matters; Shane Bauer Infiltrates Armed Militia 'Hunting Mexicans' & Collaborating with U.S. Border Patrol
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