Heaven's Flower The Legend of Arcana is a Japanese television drama series that aired on TBS from 14 January to 4 March 2011. The theme song of the series is Anomii by amazarashi. Set in the year 2060, Japan has now become a barren land due to an experiment gone awry. Japan is now going under reconstruction, but district 7, where the accident occurred, is left behind in the reconstruction. A girl name Ai (Umika Kawashima) lives in district 7 and she has a face like a smiling angel. Nevertheless, Ai is a member of the ruthless gang of assassins known as "Last Garden". Kaoru Katagiri (Yoshiko Mita) leads the "Last Garden". While performing her missions, Ai encounters hot-blooded detective Yuichiro Manaka (Hirofumi Araki) and encounters the as of yet unknown feelings of "love"
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